Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lost Under the Bed, Potty Training and Teething

We had a funny experience the other day. I woke up one morning to Jackson screaming. Not just crying like he wanted to get out of bed... but screaming in a scary way. So, I jumped out of bed and ran to his room and his bed was empty. I couldn't find him but I could hear him screaming! I was so freaked out... then I realized, he was under his bed. He had at some point crawled under his little toddler bed (I had no idea he could even fit!) and when he woke up, he must have been very confused. Luis thinks he went under there because we had the fan on and he might have been cold. Haha, would have been easier to cover up with the 2 blankies he sleeps with! Anyways, we got a laugh out of it afterwards, but it was scary for a moment.

Ok, I need opinions. Jackson does a great job using the potty when we put him on it and for a while he was telling us when he had to go. Now he runs and hides when he has to go #2. I just bought a pack of size 6 diapers... which horrifies me! He is just too big to be in diapers! We have bought him a pack of underwear and I want to put him in them tomorrow. My theory is that if he has an accident he will be so disgusted by it that he will tell me again that he has to go. He can say "poopoo" and "peepee", so it's not like he can't let us know. I will take him every 2 hours or so anyways... but I need advice. Good idea, or not so good? I am sure I will have to deal with a bunch of accidents to begin with, but what if it works? I am so sick of diapers!

Jacob is teething! Some of the moms at speech therapy pointed out the signs. I haven't noticed because he is so young... 3 months today. But sure enough, he has 2 tiny white dots on his gums that are probably the reason behind all his recent fussiness. He has been sucking on his hands non-stop. Even right after he eats! And he chomps down on my fingers if I put them in his mouth. He is also drooling like crazy and completely soaks the front of his outfits. So, maybe soon we will see some teeth poking out! I need to go to the store and buy some teethers... I know Jacob is uncomfortable.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

OK, I would just like to say to everyone... because several people have mentioned it... IT IS HOT DOWN HERE! That is why Jackson doesn't wear pants around the house all the time... GEEZ! :) He sweats just playing around the house, so it makes it worse if he is fully clothed. At least we leave the diaper on, haha.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday. before dinner we had an easter egg hunt for Jackson. sorry, luis' keyboard is running out of batteries and won't let my type capital letters... i am typing this at his office so i can include pictures. it was so fun to see him so excited to find the eggs. luis hid them and we had to help jackson head in the right direction for most of them, but it was still so cute to see.

other news, we are officially moved into silvia and lew's. we still have a lot of organizing to do and most of our stuff is in storage. ok, jake is waking up so i gotta run! Love you all!