Thursday, August 29, 2013

Overcoming Fears

When I was a young woman, I never finished my personal progress. So now that I am a leader in the program I can finish it... actually I had to start over, but I don't mind. As one of my value experiences for Knowledge I wanted to develop my singing and really learn how to do it right. I have always loved to sing... but I have always been incredibly afraid to sing in front of people, for the most part. I remember asking Mom once if I could take voice lessons and she asked me to sing a song for her and I couldn't! I couldn't even sing a simple song like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for my mother! So no voice lessons for me! I took choir in middle school because all of my friends did... they finally convinced me to sing a solo on the fun days when anyone who wanted could just get up and perform. That was terrifying! So anyway, I just have always had this fear of singing in front of people and now I finally want to get over it. Even Luis, after 7 years of marriage... has never really heard me sing by myself. Sad, huh? So I asked the YW if they would support me in my goal. My idea was to practice songs and perform them for the YW so I can get more comfortable singing and maybe even some day sing in sacrament meeting! (That's a very long way off!) So we picked a song "Virtue" by Jenny Phillips. The lyrics were so perfect for what we have been teaching in YW so I really loved the song. It was also in my range, which is pretty low. I practiced so much with Luis. It was so scary. Even being able to sing for him felt like a huge accomplishment! So on Tuesday it was time! The YW gathered in the chapel so I could use the microphone at the pulpit! Also scary but it really helped so that I didn't have to try hard to sing louder than the piano. I was so nervous. Heart pounding so loud in my ears, body shaking!!! But I did it!!! I did it! :) It felt so good to finally do it! I never thought I could! After, as we were walking back to the YW room, the Relief Society president came up to me and told me that they could hear it through the whole building! Like the other rooms had the speakers turned on! AAAAAHHHHH! I was so embarrassed. I'm not sure how many people heard it really. Everyone was very supportive though and I really can't wait to do it again... NEVER thought I would say that! I will still be very nervous, but the first time was the biggest hurdle... at least I'm hoping it is. Should be easier from here on out right? Now, anyone have any song suggestions? :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Mama Toni's quilt

Silvia has been in Guatemala for the past few weeks. I asked her to take a quilt I made for Mama Toni (her mom) with her. I love the bright fabric. I used wool batting so it would be nice and warm. It gets pretty cold where they live... or so I hear.  I quilted diagonal lines through it, just to keep it simple. Even with a guide my lines aren't straight... but I give up. I am ok with crooked lines for now. Silvia said Mama Toni loves it... and that makes me very happy! Mission accomplished!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Days go by...

Jackson's class had a pajama party on Wednesday. This is what he chose to wear. Technically he does wear these clothes to bed, but they aren't jammies. It's his soccer jersey from last year. They also got to bring a stuffed animal. The letter didn't mention size restrictions... Jax wanted to bring a really big panda bear that they had... but I told him it had to fit in his backpack. :) So he chose to bring this dolphin that he won at the fair.  I can't believe we have made it through 2 weeks of school already!

Jake played with playdoh for almost 2 hrs yesterday while Jax was at school. By himself! :) It was so cute. He mad this snake and brought it over to show me. I said "Oh, you mixed all the colors together... we are supposed to keep them separate." And he said "But Mom, I wanted a color snake." It was sweet. He had made the eyes all by himself and just wanted help with the tongue. What a cutie!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Jackson Funny

I thought it was funny that Jackson wrote "date" where it asks for the date! :) That's all!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

School Behavior

Jackson did great at school on Friday. Because he got two sad faces, he couldn't pick a treasure out of the treasure box. I know he will do better this week. He came home with a happy face yesterday so I am optimistic! I remember that we used to always get a "back-to-school" type blessing growing up and I thought that might really help Jackson. So on Sunday Luis gave him his school blessing... focused mostly on good behavior :) We also say a prayer every morning before we get out of the car... hoping it helps him remember to be good and a big helper.

Jackson usually comes home with one sheet of homework to do. It's cute. Jax wrote his name all by himself in the picture... see how neat it is? He was explaining to us last night about quarters and nickels and dimes and pennies. Very cute. Luis asked him if he would rather have a quarter or a penny and he jumped in the air and said "quarter!!!" We are impressed. But a lot of the work he brings home from school is really easy stuff... Stuff Jackson has knows for years... they are working on the numbers 4 and 5... he definitely has a head start if this is new to some of the children.

Today Jackson didn't want to stay when I dropped him off. He got into a bad mood because I said he had to stay. He said he didn't want a happy face or the treasure box... Ugh! His teacher came and took his hand while they walked inside... but I hope he gets over it fast. I really want him to have a good day. I might have to send him on the bus if this not wanting to go to school becomes a trend. The bus is way more exciting than me dropping him off.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Great Second Day

Jackson came home yesterday with a Smiley face in his agenda! I talked to the teacher when I picked him up and she said he tested her a little bit first thing in the morning, but after that he was great! He even was the only one who was able to get a candy at the end of the day. I'm not sure the reason for that because we couldn't talk long... but it's obviously a good thing! I was very proud of him. And he was proud of himself. He couldn't wait for Luis to get home to show him the smiley face.

I had bought Jackson one of those plastic sandwich boxes to go in his lunch box. Just a cheap one. I explained to him before he went to school that he has to bring it home. Well... I opened his lunch after school and there was no box. I asked him where it was and he said "I threw it away." Ugh. Ok, no more sandwich boxes for a while. Jackson asked us last night what we are doing tomorrow. Luis and I told him he is going to school. He said he had already gone to school and wanted to do something else. Only 2 days down! Yikes. He likes his teacher and so do I. I think he has fun at school and he definitely is proud of his work.

Jake was kind of grumpy yesterday. I think it is a mix of him being tired (none of us are used to waking up that early except Luis!) and still wanting to go to school. But today he has been great. I heard him talking in his room while I was vacuuming today... I thought he was talking to me. So I went into his room and scared him... on accident. He wasn't expecting me. I found him right in the midst of putting his animals to bed... and the animals were talking to each other. It was so cute. I am glad he is entertaining himself and it is so cute to see his imagination! I was worried he would be lonely, but he is fine so far.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Well, Jackson was a brave kid going to school for the first day. Unfortunately he didn't do so well listening to the teacher. He came home with a sad face in his agenda. I really hope he does better tomorrow... I'm hoping it was just a first day... gotta get used to this... kinda behavior issue. I know he can be stubborn, but I hope he realizes school will be so much more fun if he obeys!
Jax picked out some pretty cool pencils!

Of course Jake wanted to be a part of it too!

Jackson's first day of school treat... after breakfast... just what the teachers want... a sugar filled student!

My handsome boys!

After we took Jackson to school I went to the zoo with Jake we spent about 3 hours there. It was really fun to have some alone time with him. I remember having "dates" with Mom when I was young and I loved it back then. This was a little taste of that, something I want to continue doing with my children. He chose McDonalds for lunch. Yuck. But it was his day...

This is the face I have been getting from Jake lately when I say "Say Cheese..." Hmmm.


I didn't bring my camera so I don't have pictures... but it is a story worth telling. We went to the St Clair County Fair on Saturday. It was a nice set up... we walked all around first to see what rides and games there were. Now, I have told Luis before that I don't do well on roller coasters... so I usually don't go to theme parks, etc. But the first ride that caught both out eyes was this little roller coaster. Really small, no real dips or anything... what I didn't realize is that the cars you sit in SPIN! And they spun really fast! Jackson and I were together in a car and we both got sick. Poor Jax was so scared. He and stepped off the ride with in a cold sweat, pale faced... nauseated... I tried to convince him to try a easy ride but all he wanted to do was lay down. So Luis went to get some food with the boys... I found a bathroom and threw up. (Yes, I told you I get sick!!! Just like my last experience in High school) I sat down on a bench with Jackson while Luis and Jacob did more rides and games. Jax slept on my lap for an hour!!! Good thing, he felt so lousy and I could totally relate! He takes after me! Jake had SO much fun with Daddy! I tried funnel cake for the first time. Definitely not a fan. But I did have a killer frozen lemonade! In a really cool cup :) When we woke Jackson up he did play a few games. The boys won several stuffed animals. And they went down his GIANT slide and loved it. Then home we went. Ready to relax.