Thursday, November 12, 2009

2nd Bday- Opening Presents!

Jax loved his car garage that G&G Gibson got him! The ramp was so entertaining!

G&G Doty got Jax some bristle blocks... which will be great for church, nice and quiet. We have discovered that Daddy likes them just as much as Jax.

UDL got Jax a coloring book and crayons.

Becky got Jax a little piano, which was a big hit!

Becky made and decorated the cake. Isn't it great! Better than anything I could do! Jax didn't eat much cake... but that could've been because it was after 11pm by the time we got back from Mr. Gaddy's and finished opening presents!

Papa Lew and Grandma (Mama Tiny) got Jax some new shoes, for church and for going out to the chickens and getting all dirty... you can see those in the picture with the car garage... the ugly bright green ones :) that Jax didn't want to take off once they were on. He also got a tricycle- pictures to come.

Thank you to everyone who sent cards and gifts! We appreciate everyone and Jax loved everything about his birthday!

2nd Birthday- at Mr. Gaddy's

Halfway through the night my camera batteries died... so the rest of the pictures are on Luis' phone, which will take a while to get them onto the computer!

We went to Mr. Gaddy's for Jackson's 2nd Bday! He was loving all the games they had. He isn't old enough to actually play a lot of them... but he sure had fun pretend playing or watching all of us play :)

The SkiBall activity was Jackson's favorite and he kept going back! He didn't really enjoy throwing the balls himself... but he LOVED to hand them to one of us and watch us throw!

Jackson rode a Merry-go-round in California, so this wasn't new, but he was afraid to get on the horse! This is how he wanted to ride.

Then we made progress... he loved the merry-go-round!

Of course, he loved to "drive" with Daddy.

I had to add this picture... Papa Lew getting a dance lesson from the pro! Hilarious to watch!

Daddy and Jax enjoying some pizza and macaroni!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun for Halloween. Jackson was a penguin!!! He was so adorable! I had a few last-minute costume ideas that didn't work out... so I put on a white shirt that way if anyone accused me of not dressing up I could say that I was an iceburg... it goes with the penguin theme and I'm big and fat... so... :)

We went to trunk or treat... unfortunately Luis had a lot of appointments that day that kept getting pushed back, so he couldn't come! Jackson was so excited to get each piece of candy. UDL (pronounced uddle- what we call Jackson's uncle Danny) took him from car to car so I could pass out candy at our trunk. I ended up taking Jackson to the last few cars! He loved it and the weather turned out to be not-too-hot for our fleece covered penguin in McAllen! Hope you all had as much fun as we did!