We had so much fun for Halloween. Jackson was a penguin!!! He was so adorable! I had a few last-minute costume ideas that didn't work out... so I put on a white shirt that way if anyone accused me of not dressing up I could say that I was an iceburg... it goes with the penguin theme and I'm big and fat... so... :)
We went to trunk or treat... unfortunately Luis had a lot of appointments that day that kept getting pushed back, so he couldn't come! Jackson was so excited to get each piece of candy. UDL (pronounced uddle- what we call Jackson's uncle Danny) took him from car to car so I could pass out candy at our trunk. I ended up taking Jackson to the last few cars! He loved it and the weather turned out to be not-too-hot for our fleece covered penguin in McAllen! Hope you all had as much fun as we did!
Not-too-hot, huh? LOL It wasn't too bad here either, the boys wore jackets, but it was still cold. I love the penguin costume! I never dress up anymore, but the iceburg idea was cute! Glad you had fun:)
What a cute little penguin!
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