Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I can't believe it! Really, I can't! I read an entire study manual an inch thick... and I studied ALL DAY on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I took many practice exams and went through every possible quiz question online! Still, I went back and forth from being confident and thinking I was in way over my head! I usually scored around an 80% on the practice exams... which is pretty good in my opinion. The test requires a 70% to pass. Well, I took another practice exam this morning then headed off to the testing center. I took the full 2 hours to complete the exam. There were 100 questions and right around question #59 I was sure I was going to fail! It was so much HARDER than the practice exams! I thought I must have missed the 30 questions already and I was going to fail! I was sitting there in front of the computer about to cry, that's how bad I felt! Near the end of the exam the questions got easier. Some of the wording on the questions was ridiculous! I had no idea how to answer some, even if I knew the facts about what they were testing on. That's confusing, I know... but I ended up scoring an 81%!!! PASS!!! Anyway, I have variable annuities and mutual funds and tax consequences of early withdrawal and all sorts of craziness floating around in my head! I'm glad I passed and I will never have to take that awful test again! (unless I leave the industry for 2 years and want to jump back in!) Now I still have one more test to take, on Tuesday. It is the Series 63 and supposedly is not as hard. We'll see. I am giving myself a couple nights off of studying and will resume on Friday. Tonight is movie night so my brain doesn't explode and tomorrow is enrichment night! I need a rest and spending time with friends will be good for me! Ok, time for me to go celebrate!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thumb sucker no more!

We realized the other day that Jacob doesn't suck his thumb during the day anymore. The only time we ever see him (or hear him on the baby monitor) sucking his thumb is at night. This is so strange because for the longest time that was such a big part of Jake! He was the thumb-sucker... no matter where we went or what he was doing! He would NEVER take a binky. Now he is no longer our all-day every-day thumb sucker! Just a normal toddler now! I'm glad, too... this is a picture of the nasty callus he has on his thumb from sucking now... imagine how bad it would be if he still did it during the day too! GROSS!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big No-No for Mommy!

I have learned very quickly that I need to be very careful about what I say and what I allow my children to hear. For the longest time I have been waiting for Jax to speak and comprehend. Well, he is speaking a lot now and picking up a lot. Luis said that when I was gone yesterday, he heard Jackson playing in the living room and heard "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" I can't believe it, he must have heard that from me... that breaks my heart! I am definitely going to watch what I say around him... I heard him say it today in the car! I told him it's not a nice word, so now I need to practice what I preach. Ok, total bad mommy moment... the other day while Luis was on the treadmill we were watching "Unstoppable" with Denzel Washington. Really good movie... PG13. Well, Jax was playing in the same room (confession- this happens often, PG13 movies while my 3 year old is around). Well, one of the characters said "Holy S***!" and Jackson immediately repeated it! I was SHOCKED! I know he's been copying little things I say lately, but that! Yikes, I am so mad at myself now because now that word is in his head, and he remembers it... so no more... no more "mommy and daddy" movies while Jax is around. I just wasn't expecting that, so now it's time to be more strict with what we watch. I wish I would have prevented things like that from being in his mind, but I guess I just need to do some damage control and hopefully he will forget soon.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jackson's injuries!

Before I get into Jackson's bad week, I want to make a correction. Silvia read my blog and felt that I misrepresented her in one case... In the entry titled "In times of trouble" I said that Silvia was yelling at Jax... well, she corrected me, and I agree, that she was scolding, not yelling. Ok, fixed.

This is a picture of the thorn that Luis dug out of Jackson's big toe after much DRAMA! It all started the other night when Jackson ran to the other side of the yard where the chickens are and took off his shoes (or they fell off... we really don't know) Either way, that's bad because there is all sorts of junk over there, mesquite thorns, nails, sharp rocks, etc... Well, he must have stepped on a thorn and it broke off in his toe because the next morning he was screaming when he tried to get out of bed. I looked at his toe and there was definitely something in there but it was weird because it looked like the skin had already closed around it. I don't know why he wasn't in pain the night before. So, we asked Lew to get it out. Luis was gone at this point so Silvia and I held Jackson down while Lew attempted to get the thorn out... Well, Jackson was NOT having it! Danny eventually came in to try to hold him down too and he was still managing to move. It was horrible and he was screaming like we were trying to kill him! So, after a while, what seemed like a long while, we gave up. Jackson was covered in sweat and his eyes were bloodshot and he had little blood blister things on his face from straining so hard! He kept saying, "No, it's all better, all better" Lew said the thorn should work it's way out of the body eventually. Well, Jax was miserable for about for the entire next day and was limping and walking with his big toe off the ground. So last night while he slept Luis and I tried to get the thorn out. Luis was so patient. He slowly cut away at the skin around the thorn and eventually got it out. The whole process took about an hour, with not trying to wake him up. No wonder it hurt him, it was infected, there was pus inside and the thorn was huge! Well, as he was pulling the thorn out, Jax woke up in a big way! He started kicking and screaming and the whole deal... papa lew style! Luis thought the thorn got shoved back in, but he did get it out thankfully! So, we calmed Jax down and put on some medicine and a bandaid, sang a song, daddy held him for a while, and he went back to bed! It was crazy but I am very happy it's all over with. We joked that we would have to take him to the hospital to get his toe amputated or have them remove the thorn under general anesthesia!

Then, among other injuries this week, Jackson felt the need to reach up under the lamp shade and touch the lightbulb of the lamp in the church foyer... What was he thinking??? I don't know but I sure hope it was a learning experience. I think the whole church heard him screaming! So, he burned his finger and I'm glad we were on our way out and not on our way in!

Poor little guy has been getting hurt a lot lately! He needs to take some time off from that!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm not meant to be a Weger!

... or at least, I'm not meant to live in their house! Let me explain...

My allergy test results are in!

Just so everyone knows, I haven't didn't have allergies before we moved into Silvia and Lew's house... I mean, I had them as a kid, but not like this. Last May-December was miserable for me. I got outside for 5 minutes and am MISERABLE for the next 5 days! Very severe reactions... to something. Well, the results of my test are hilarious because pretty much everything that the Weger's have over here and I didn't have in my own house across town... I AM ALLERGIC TO!!! For example, my biggest reaction was to Bermuda grass... guess what type of Grass Lew has... yup, BERMUDA! And a lot of it! A whole acre of it! They tested for other grasses and this is the only one I am allergic too... figures! I am also allergic to dog hair. The weger's have 2 outside dogs and one indoors. I am also allergic to bird feathers... there is 1 bird indoors, and 2 outdoors, not to mention all the chickens and the geese! I am also allergic to cockroaches! At our other house, we had ant problems but not a single cockroach! Over here there are cockroaches... I hate them and now to know I am allergic makes it worse... Now everytime I even see a cockroach I will probably sneeze, just because I know now! I am also allergic to dust and mold... but with how much Silvia cleans I don't think either of those are the trigger here! Anyways, I am glad to know all of this. Bottom line... we need to move out! I think that would make everyone happy! So, next on the to-do list, get our own place! For now, some Rx strength allergy meds should do the trick... I HOPE!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Picture update

Here are some pictures... totally random.

The boys together! It is hard for me to get a picture of them together!

Jackson loves school time! Pop, Pop, Pop is his favorite book... he pretty much knows it by heart!

Jacob is fascinated by food on his fingers, he even puts them on all on his own now... he loves pretzels and olives on his fingers!

Baby Edward, what do you think? His hair is soooo Rob Pattinson! We should have named him Edward instead of Jacob :)

Don't make fun of me... and don't compare my cupcakes to Derek's awesome ones! This was my attempt to make cute cupcakes for the La Joya ward Valentine's day party!

Ok, I was going to upload more, but no time now! More to come later!

Monday, March 14, 2011

In times of trouble... find out who will save you!

This will bring a smile to some of your faces!

Usually when Jax is getting in trouble by someone he looks to the other people around for help. For example, when I am lecturing him or getting him in trouble, he says "Grandma" and looks around for her... When Silvia is getting him in trouble, he says "Mom, Mom". Well, I didn't see this, but Silvia told me... She was yelling at him for doing something, I don't remember what, and he says "Mom, Mom" and she responds by saying "No, your mom will tell you the same thing!". Then he goes, "Dad", and Silvia says, "No, Dad will tell you the same thing!" So he starts listing off names of people that he thinks can help with the situation. "UDL (Danny)... Papa Lew, Becky... Liz Alan (He says that like it is one name :)..." He remembered Liz and Alan when he was in trouble! It was so funny because that is the FIRST time he has spoken their names since Christmas! And we know he thinks about Becky, he will mention her now and then. Anyways, it was cute. Jackson misses you guys and wishes you were here to help him when he is in trouble!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jackson says...

I got the blogroll going, thanks to Shannon, but I feel like I am missing someone...

Jackson has been saying the cutest things lately. Silvia and I were at walmart buying soil for her garden. The picture on the bag of soil were a bunch of potted plants with one on it's side with the dirt spilling out. Jackson pointed at it and said, "They made a mess!"

A few weeks ago Jackson memorized the 8th article of faith for primary. Again at walmart, we walked past a sign that said $8 and Jackson yelled out "Number 8: We believe the Bible..." It was so cute. I couldn't believe he remembered it after 2 weeks of no practice!

He has been copying EVERYTHING I say lately. Whenever he gets an owie, he always says, "Ow, I'm sorry" because whenever he gets hurt and comes to me crying, I usually say, oh, I'm sorry you're hurt, or something like that. Now, he says it before I say anything and then looks all proud that he knows what to say. He also answers his own questions. He says "Mom, can I have candy?" and then immediately answers with "okay". It's pretty hilarious.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tech Help

I want to add the "blogroll" feature to my blog like Aubry has... how do I do that??? Anyone??? HELP!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A testament to how quickly kids learn...

This morning during scripture time I shared the story of Christ's birth using Jackson's new scripture story book. I explained the pictures in more detail than what was given. I explained that Joseph was Jesus' father and Mary was his mother. Tonight before we prayed, I said to Jackson "Remember, when we pray we are talking to Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father is Jesus' daddy" Jackson then said, "Mary, momma." My heart just melted! I was so happy he remembered!