Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I can't believe it! Really, I can't! I read an entire study manual an inch thick... and I studied ALL DAY on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I took many practice exams and went through every possible quiz question online! Still, I went back and forth from being confident and thinking I was in way over my head! I usually scored around an 80% on the practice exams... which is pretty good in my opinion. The test requires a 70% to pass. Well, I took another practice exam this morning then headed off to the testing center. I took the full 2 hours to complete the exam. There were 100 questions and right around question #59 I was sure I was going to fail! It was so much HARDER than the practice exams! I thought I must have missed the 30 questions already and I was going to fail! I was sitting there in front of the computer about to cry, that's how bad I felt! Near the end of the exam the questions got easier. Some of the wording on the questions was ridiculous! I had no idea how to answer some, even if I knew the facts about what they were testing on. That's confusing, I know... but I ended up scoring an 81%!!! PASS!!! Anyway, I have variable annuities and mutual funds and tax consequences of early withdrawal and all sorts of craziness floating around in my head! I'm glad I passed and I will never have to take that awful test again! (unless I leave the industry for 2 years and want to jump back in!) Now I still have one more test to take, on Tuesday. It is the Series 63 and supposedly is not as hard. We'll see. I am giving myself a couple nights off of studying and will resume on Friday. Tonight is movie night so my brain doesn't explode and tomorrow is enrichment night! I need a rest and spending time with friends will be good for me! Ok, time for me to go celebrate!


Liz Ricker said...

Wahoo! We are so proud of you! You are awesome. I told you you would do great! Congrats! I think you've earned a trip to the citaay:)

series 6 course said...

Congratulations on passing your series 6 exam! So how did you prepare for it? I'm also planning to my exam soon. Giving any tips about the experience you had will be of great help for future series exam takers.