Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big No-No for Mommy!

I have learned very quickly that I need to be very careful about what I say and what I allow my children to hear. For the longest time I have been waiting for Jax to speak and comprehend. Well, he is speaking a lot now and picking up a lot. Luis said that when I was gone yesterday, he heard Jackson playing in the living room and heard "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" I can't believe it, he must have heard that from me... that breaks my heart! I am definitely going to watch what I say around him... I heard him say it today in the car! I told him it's not a nice word, so now I need to practice what I preach. Ok, total bad mommy moment... the other day while Luis was on the treadmill we were watching "Unstoppable" with Denzel Washington. Really good movie... PG13. Well, Jax was playing in the same room (confession- this happens often, PG13 movies while my 3 year old is around). Well, one of the characters said "Holy S***!" and Jackson immediately repeated it! I was SHOCKED! I know he's been copying little things I say lately, but that! Yikes, I am so mad at myself now because now that word is in his head, and he remembers it... so no more... no more "mommy and daddy" movies while Jax is around. I just wasn't expecting that, so now it's time to be more strict with what we watch. I wish I would have prevented things like that from being in his mind, but I guess I just need to do some damage control and hopefully he will forget soon.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's inevitable. I think it's funny when Brynnan says, "What the crap?!" He picked that up from both Mark and me. That's a big one in our house. I've actually started to say "What the what?!" instead, which I got from 30 Rock and thought that was hilarious and not as bad. The boys watch PG13 movies with us too sometimes. Iron Man is one of their favs, but I don't think there is much swearing in either of them, which is good. I remember Jonas repeating bad words while watching movies with us, but they do forget them or they do realize that they shouldn't say those words. Don't be too hard on yourself. He will hear them all eventually.

Izzy and MJ said...

I laughed out loud when I read that he said Holy S**t. That's actually kind of really funny for a one time occurrence. They're going to hear them everywhere eventually, guess you just gotta teach him they're not nice (until you're grown, then you get to sprinkle your sentences with them like me!! Don't tell him that though...... lol). But I hear that from EVERYONE so I don't think it's a mommy issue... it's just one of those funny things that you have to cringe through :/

Aubry said...

Thats pretty funny! Crap isnt too bad of a word but i guess if a little kid says it, its not good! Hopefully he will forget those words!