Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bigtime car repairs!

Last week Luis' car started shaking really bad and he noticed that his brakes were sticking really badly. We had to drive no faster than about 40 mph to church on Sunday. It was pretty scary. So Monday morning we took the car in.

Our entire brake system is screwed up! I don't know all the technical terms, but basically our car is not drivable because at any moment our brakes could go out and we could have a major accident. The reason for the destroyed brake system- power steering fluid ended up in our brake lines. The last person to do our oil change and top off our fluids was Walmart, about a month or two ago. Our mechanic (who is a family friend, thank goodness!) thinks that they just accidentally put in PS fluid instead of brake fluid. (too bad we can't prove that it was them... but Luis is going to go talk to them anyways!) I'm not even going to try and explain how much damage was done! It is going to cost $600 to fix it... and our friend is giving us a MAJOR discount. I don't even want to know how much it would be to have someone else fix it! Kind of a bad time for us to have to fork out that much money for car repairs... but I guess no time is a good time for that. So I guess we will have our car back in a few days with a brand new brake system. We are so frustrated and just trying to balance all the awful things going on right now! Trying to stay positive though. Linda and Alan are here visiting, so we are having fun! Like I said earlier- pictures to come.

New Camera, New Pictures!

We finally got our new camera in the mail so I can put pictures up here for all you guys! Isn't it pretty! I love the frontview screen! (Not that I take too many pictures of myself, by myself... still cool!) I will take a bunch of pictures today to try it out!

Friday, August 27, 2010

More pictures

Here are some more random pictures of the boys. I love the one of Jackson giving Jacob a hug... only because I asked him to, he would never do it on his own! He keeps his distance from Jacob for the most part. Jacob can now get into and out of a sitting position all by himself! Such a big boy!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Day of Injuries

The day started out with Jacob getting a blood blister on his bottom lip and a cut on his gum above his top teeth. I didn't see what happened. He was playing on the living room floor and started crying. I found him there by the rocking chair, so he either hit his mouth on the rocking chair or he hit his face on the tile. The dangers of crawling, I guess.

Then it was Jackson's turn. He has been potty trained for a long time now but I am just now teaching him to pull down his own pants and underwear. He is getting pretty good at it. This morning when I took him potty he was rushing (so he wouldn't miss much of the Cars movie... even though I had paused it) and he bent over too quickly and hit his head on the toilet seat. It hurt him a lot and he cried pretty hard, but no cut or anything... just a red forehead for a while. It was sad but funny at the same time. I kinda wish I had a camera rolling and I could send it to AFV :) I was laughing while I comforted him... that sounds mean.

Hopefully the day continues without any more bumps! Happy Birthday Silvia!

Monday, August 16, 2010

More pictures

Jacob is so good at getting around now! Here are some cute pictures of Jackson in his new shirt and of course one of Jake... and Luis and Danny snuggling :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Random Pictures

Nothing much has been going on, so here are just a few random pictures. I have been borrowing Becky's camera to take pictures since mine is long gone. (I am trying to win a new one from this awesome website where you can bid on new items for way cheap... Luis got me the "Enchanted" blu-ray for $0.63!!! NO joke!)

I have been miserable for the past few days and I thought it was allergies but yesterday Jax and Jake both had runny noses and were sneezing, so I guess I have a cold. I still feel sick today but Jax seems to be doing fine. Jake is still sick. He had a really hard time last night because it was difficult for him to breath with his nose congested. He ended up in bed with me and Luis downstairs on the couch :) Jake sleeps so much better next to me. So we are all very tired today.

Jackson relaxing with Daddy.

This was the second time he fell asleep in his high chair that day! I think it was because he was sick that he was falling asleep so easily.

This is how badly Jackson wanted a banana. He wouldn't wait for me to peel it... he bit right through it!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jacob is crawling!

We have thought he was ready for a while and he finally did last night. It was so exciting. It is just army crawling, not hands and knees yet. He is only 6 months so we are surprised! He loves it! Becky and I were talking and Jake was on the floor playing we looked down at him and realized he wasn't in the middle of the carpet anymore but over by the cupboards. I couldn't really believe it and since I didn't see it, I wasn't sure. Lately he has been rolling from one side of the room to the other, but this seemed a little to fast to be rolling... so we watched and sure enough, he was army crawling! I will post a video of it soon if I can!