I have been miserable for the past few days and I thought it was allergies but yesterday Jax and Jake both had runny noses and were sneezing, so I guess I have a cold. I still feel sick today but Jax seems to be doing fine. Jake is still sick. He had a really hard time last night because it was difficult for him to breath with his nose congested. He ended up in bed with me and Luis downstairs on the couch :) Jake sleeps so much better next to me. So we are all very tired today.
Jackson relaxing with Daddy.
This was the second time he fell asleep in his high chair that day! I think it was because he was sick that he was falling asleep so easily.
This is how badly Jackson wanted a banana. He wouldn't wait for me to peel it... he bit right through it!
LOL about the banana!!:) Cute picture of Jake! I love it when they fall asleep in odd places:) I'm sorry you guys have been sick! Hope you all get better soon!!
What's the address of that website?!!
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