Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Job search

For the past few days I have been searching monster.com for jobs for Luis. I am looking for jobs here in the valley but I'm also searching specific types of jobs with any location. I've been looking a lot in Washington, of course... but we aren't having very much luck there... most of the construction jobbs they have available are asking for 10 years experience or they are heavy civil jobs (bridges, dams, freeways), which Luis isn't really the best qualified for. (I just saw an ant crawl under the keys of the keyboard so if my post ends abruptly it's because the ant ate the inside of this computer!) On another random note... Xela, the inside dog, loves to chew ice. So if ice ever drops out of the maker or someone gives her a piece, she runs to her rug to eat it. Many times I have found Jackson at Xela's rug eating the ice leftovers! Nasty! I just thought of that because I just saw him do it! Okay, back to the job hunt, So, guess who is hiring??? MATT Construction, the company Luis worked for in LA. We have very mixed emotions about this because we HATED Los Angeles. We had a lot of good friends and it was a great company, but it wasn't his favorite job and of course, it's LA! :( I feel like if he takes that job we will be rewinding the last 2.5 years of our life! Like they never even happened! Luis called the office today to talk to the HR director who he was good friends with, but it turns out Tim retired. So, there is someone else in his place who thankfully also had a good relationship with Luis way back when. When he was let go, they told him in a few years if they are hiring again that he should reapply. Did they mean that, or were they just being nice? I don't know. Either way, they are interested in him Luis wants them to hire him as a contracted employee so he can make a lot more money. He also applied to one local construction job and a training/development type job that is also local. He has many more applications to send out... We are also looking into Boeing in WA. I found some interesting positions there but Luis does not think he is qualified. We are keeping our options open so if you want us to come nearby you, keep your eyes out for a good job! He has a degree in Construction management and one in communications and is just about done with his MBA... if that helps! Oh, Aubry, I checked Qualcomm's website and I don't know if Luis will fit what they are looking for! It's all very technical stuff! Anyways, I will keep updating on the status of all this! Just keep us in your prayers that we will find what we need!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wish we were there!

Isn't it sad that my last entry was "see you in Sequim" and now here we are, still in hot, miserable texas! First, I'm sorry about the lack of blogging or emailing. We have been without internet for a few weeks! We are back up and running now, so I am really enjoying catching up on everyone's blogs. Kaylee, keep the pictures coming! It is my lifeline to the family reunion, although I almost cry when I look at them because I want to be there so badly. Poor Luis is taking it really hard. He REALLY wanted us to be there... we actually had a pretty good income last month, but with so many unexpected expenses, we just weren't able to recover in time... not to mention the week he was gone for Scout Camp!

About Scout Camp, you know, I was actually really bitter at first while he was gone because I knew we would be missing out on a lot of money from a whole week of work missed! Unfornately he can't take a paid vacation! But every night while he was gone I would watch a dvd biography of the prophets since the restoration of the church. The dvds are awesome. They are the series "Modern Prophets" from The Living Scriptures. Buy them! They are so cool to learn so much about the prophets that we love! Anyways... I was bitter... but as I watched those dvds I was hearing all about the sacrifices the early saints made for the gospel and for their callings and missions. It is so incredible! Many men left their wives and families in very desperate situations so they could serve a 3 year mission and things like that! And the attitutes of the families was inspiring! They knew it was a righteous purpose! Bottom line... I was humbled and although Luis left me :) for a week in not the best financial situation, it is his calling to be there with the Boy Scouts and I'm glad he went. The boys bonded and based on some of the experiences he told me, their testimonies were strengthened in a big way... and they are all on track to get their Eagle!!! Anyways, that was just a good change of heart for me and I wanted to share...

Back to Sequim. We are doing our best to make the money to get us out there before the end of the month and we will see how finances look as it gets closer. Have fun while you are all out there. I wish my boys were running around playing with you guys, especially their little cousins. Keep posting pictures and stories!