Saturday, August 24, 2013

Days go by...

Jackson's class had a pajama party on Wednesday. This is what he chose to wear. Technically he does wear these clothes to bed, but they aren't jammies. It's his soccer jersey from last year. They also got to bring a stuffed animal. The letter didn't mention size restrictions... Jax wanted to bring a really big panda bear that they had... but I told him it had to fit in his backpack. :) So he chose to bring this dolphin that he won at the fair.  I can't believe we have made it through 2 weeks of school already!

Jake played with playdoh for almost 2 hrs yesterday while Jax was at school. By himself! :) It was so cute. He mad this snake and brought it over to show me. I said "Oh, you mixed all the colors together... we are supposed to keep them separate." And he said "But Mom, I wanted a color snake." It was sweet. He had made the eyes all by himself and just wanted help with the tongue. What a cutie!


Lynne said...

That is one great snake. It looks like he was trying to replicate the colors on the stuffed dolphin!

Liz Ricker said...

Oh my gosh I am loving these updates! Keep em comin! We should skype again... Tnight? I miss you guys! Jacob is so creative! And jackson is all too grown up!

Megan said...

My kids LOVE pajama day at school! Jonas was sick last year on that day so he wore them the next day and the whole class loved it! Maybe I should get some playdoh for Tinian to play with.... I just worry about him getting it on everything! :) Jake's snake is pretty cool!