Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cold Weather!

Well, it's been in the 40's all week... a shock for McAllen. No one is prepared for this. I have to run out today and buy Jax some long-sleeved shirts so he doesn't freeze. Right now he has to wear his long-sleeves from last year (sz 18 mo) and as you can see... they are a little small. He woke up whimpering and whining and I went in his room and he was sitting on his bed shivering. He hasn't learned to cover himself up with the blankets on his own yet. Jackson looks like such a big boy in his jacket! He loves to wear it! Who knows how long this weather will last! I hope it gets back up to the sixties at some point!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

34 Weeks!

Just a recent family picture that we took... it's sad how few pictures we have of the three of us!

This made me laugh! Sometimes I wish the men knew how much effort it really is to haul that belly around!

The actual 34 week shot! Yikes!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2nd Bday- Opening Presents!

Jax loved his car garage that G&G Gibson got him! The ramp was so entertaining!

G&G Doty got Jax some bristle blocks... which will be great for church, nice and quiet. We have discovered that Daddy likes them just as much as Jax.

UDL got Jax a coloring book and crayons.

Becky got Jax a little piano, which was a big hit!

Becky made and decorated the cake. Isn't it great! Better than anything I could do! Jax didn't eat much cake... but that could've been because it was after 11pm by the time we got back from Mr. Gaddy's and finished opening presents!

Papa Lew and Grandma (Mama Tiny) got Jax some new shoes, for church and for going out to the chickens and getting all dirty... you can see those in the picture with the car garage... the ugly bright green ones :) that Jax didn't want to take off once they were on. He also got a tricycle- pictures to come.

Thank you to everyone who sent cards and gifts! We appreciate everyone and Jax loved everything about his birthday!

2nd Birthday- at Mr. Gaddy's

Halfway through the night my camera batteries died... so the rest of the pictures are on Luis' phone, which will take a while to get them onto the computer!

We went to Mr. Gaddy's for Jackson's 2nd Bday! He was loving all the games they had. He isn't old enough to actually play a lot of them... but he sure had fun pretend playing or watching all of us play :)

The SkiBall activity was Jackson's favorite and he kept going back! He didn't really enjoy throwing the balls himself... but he LOVED to hand them to one of us and watch us throw!

Jackson rode a Merry-go-round in California, so this wasn't new, but he was afraid to get on the horse! This is how he wanted to ride.

Then we made progress... he loved the merry-go-round!

Of course, he loved to "drive" with Daddy.

I had to add this picture... Papa Lew getting a dance lesson from the pro! Hilarious to watch!

Daddy and Jax enjoying some pizza and macaroni!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun for Halloween. Jackson was a penguin!!! He was so adorable! I had a few last-minute costume ideas that didn't work out... so I put on a white shirt that way if anyone accused me of not dressing up I could say that I was an iceburg... it goes with the penguin theme and I'm big and fat... so... :)

We went to trunk or treat... unfortunately Luis had a lot of appointments that day that kept getting pushed back, so he couldn't come! Jackson was so excited to get each piece of candy. UDL (pronounced uddle- what we call Jackson's uncle Danny) took him from car to car so I could pass out candy at our trunk. I ended up taking Jackson to the last few cars! He loved it and the weather turned out to be not-too-hot for our fleece covered penguin in McAllen! Hope you all had as much fun as we did!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Name

Ok, I think we've picked it.

Jacob Emerson Weger

We had several names that we were debating for a long time but we just kept coming back to Jacob. Strange, considering I hate common names and Jacob is the #1 most common boys name in America for the past 10 years! I just got emotionally attached to it and it has a lot of meaning for me and Luis. So, we think that's the one. We will have Jax and Jake running around... our 2 crazy boys! Can't wait until 1-14-10!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just wanted to share a cute video of Daddy and Jackson playing! I love these moments!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Let's see...

Cara Rachelle- my body is falling apart! I need a root canal to treat the killer pain in my mouth thanks to a filling that is pressing against a nerve... I need my toenail cut out, like usual. I gained 7 lbs this month and should have only gained 1-2!!! Where is all the weight? I don't see it anywhere except my belly! I am measuring 3 weeks ahead of my gestational age! Maybe Linda and Becky will be lucky and I will have this baby early while they are still around!!! Well, or I might just have a ridiculously large baby on my due date :)

Luis- Passed his polygraph exam! The most mentally exhausting experience of his life! He thinks Dave described it well in calling it "like a dark, dirty temple recommend interview"! We will get the final decision by the end of the month! Gov't life... here we come! He's also on the verge of some great real estate deals!

Jackson- Officially a big boy bed PRO!!! Doesn't get out of bed at all anymore, that only lasted about 2 days! Even during naptime! We are proud of our little man!

Baby-Weger-to-be... we are still trying to name! 26 and 1/2 weeks and doing well! Kicking away as strong as ever.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Jackson graduated to his big boy bed! We were going to wait but he has recently been jumping in his crib a lot and somehow figured out how to drop the crib railing. So, we figured it would be safer if we made the switch. Last night we tried it for the first time. We did our routine as normal, everything the same... potty, brush teeth, story with Daddy, prayer, bedtime... he laid down in his bed and we said "night-night". We closed the door and he did great... no problem... for 15 minutes. Then the freaking out began. We don't know why... maybe he rolled off the bed or something, but he was crying and screaming and got out of bed and opened the door. We put him back in his bed over and over until finally we had mercy on him and decided to calm him down by staying with him for a while... 2 hours later, after many made-up stories from Daddy... he had settled back down and was laying down. We said goodnight again and left with him still awake. It was almost 11:30 by then, and we were exhausted... he must have been too because he didn't make a sound after that and slept until 8:10 this morning! We were so glad he didn't roll out of bed and wake up in the middle of the night! Tonight, we definitely won't stay as long, but we are going to be a little more firm. We will let you all know how it is going!

Monday, October 5, 2009

25 weeks!

That is 5 1/2 months!!! It's passing so quickly! Still no name though!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It all adds UP!!!

We have been saving up our coins for a while and I just cashed it in so we could buy a toddler bed for Jackson. We will need the crib soon enough, so it was time to see how much we had saved... I'm very excited to say that all those coins added up to $78!!! That is plenty to buy a toddler bed! We were very surprised! My advice to all... save your coins!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thank goodness Silvia can sew...

This is what happens when Luis has had a stressful day and can't get Jackson's shirt off. I got it on, so we know it must come off! I went out for "girl's night out" last night and this is what I came home to! I guess torn and tattered clothes are to be expected when Mommy isn't around. I loved that outfit so we will have to see if Grandma Weger will sew it back together for us!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mi Hijo Guapo

Jackson and Alberto after playing in the sprinklers... his mom and I are good friends and the boys have a lot of fun together! Jackson's first real friend!!!

Before the haircut... jackson was giving hugs to his sippy cup :)

Jackson's new haircut! One more buzz before summer is over! We just found out that this has been the hottest summer in McAllen in over 20 years! Over 100 consecutive days with temps over 100 degrees! Thank goodness for A/C! We survived!

21 weeks

Just an updated picture... looking more pregnant every day! By the way, keep the name ideas coming please!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Locked Out!

So today, my not-even-two year old locked me out of the house! Jax and I went outside to put windshield wiper fluid in my car and he didn't want to stay. So I let him back in the house to finish up outside real quick... when I went back to the house... the door was closed and locked! Luckily, I had my keys... I thought it was funny that I had just gotten locked out. I have known for a while that he could lock and unlock the door... I've seen him do it, I just didn't think he'd do it while I was outside! :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jackson's exercise!

One of Jackson's new fave activities! Not that I encourage it! Just wanted to see if the video feature works!

18 Weeks

I can't believe how quickly I have shown this time around... kind of depressing. Here is my first belly picture. I cut my face out of the picture... for everyone's sake :) 18 weeks along. We find out on Monday if we are having a boy or girl! Any tips on how to get a 21 month old to understand that there is a baby in mommy's tummy? Jax doesn't get it!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pool Party

On Saturday, we went to Jackson's friend's b-day party! Jax loves the pool and he had so much fun swimming with Daddy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


This is Jackson's "say cheese" face! He loves the camera and if I say that or "Smile!" He makes this adorable face!

Big Ball!

Last month Mom bought Jackson a big ball and the very same day Jackson somehow popped it. It split right along the seam, very weird. Well, I finally got him a replacement today!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Homemade Bread!

I finally attempted to make homemade bread from Grandma Doty's/Mom's recipe. It actually turned out! The kneading was the best part (thank you kitchen-aid for doing the hard part)!!! We made three loaves and still had enough for scones. So GOOD! Brought back a lot of good memories! Here is Proof...

We finally did it!

Ok, we created this blog months ago but never found time to actually put it together and start posting. Well, after enough nagging from sisters and friends... we have done it! So, welcome to the Weger Blog! Yay! I will have to get better about taking pictures! So, enjoy our blog!