This is Jacob's after church outfit today! I thought it was pretty cute. I love some of the outfits they dress themselves in. Those are his church socks pulled up to his knees... and his new shoes from Grandma Weger.
We got a package from Daddy this week! It included new shoes from Grandma, I got some dresses. candy, the boys got another recorded book. There is one point, when Luis is done reading the book, where he says "Jackson, Jacob"... and goes on to say a sweet message to them. After he says their names the boys always say "What?" Like they are talking to him. It's cute.

So we watched my neighbor's dog for four days. She is a very sweet dog, but 4 days was a bit much it turned out. She is old and deaf, and can barely bark, and honestly acts like an old woman. She would pee a little when she sneezed... it was so annoying! LOL! And she throws up if she drinks too much water. Well, it was raining one day... so every time I took her out to pee she would lick up water. You can guess what happened later... on my carpet! I put out a blanket for her to sit on on the couch... didn't work so well as you can see. But the boys loved having her here and I was happy to do it for my friend... I just realized that I love dogs from a distance. :)