Jacob had his first dentist appt today. He is 11 months old, but he has a lot of teeth already. Jackson had an appt too. He was first and he was very good, but he was scared. He cried the whole time but opened his mouth fine and didn't fight the dentist. I was so proud of him. This is actually his second dentist appointment, but I don't think he remembered the last one. He is going back on Monday to get sealants put on his molars to prevent cavities. (He has none right now, of course!) Jake did great as well. He enjoyed the dentist brushing his teeth. He got xrays of his 2 front teeth because I told the dentist about how he smacked his mouth on they coffe table a few months ago and how his gums were bleeding. She said everything looks normal, so that relieved some worry. Yesterday both boys had check-ups at the doctor's office and Jackson got a flu shot and Jacob got caught up on all his shots. He never got his 6 month shots, that's what he got yesterday. In January he will go back for his 12 month shots. Jake slept for 5 1/2 hours after he got his shots :) Poor things was so traumatized! Jackson got a lollipop after his shot, so he was happy!
Tonight is our ward Christmas party! I don't think Jackson will be too thrilled about sitting on Santa's lap. He wasn't happy about it last year. Linda and Alan are coming on Monday, so we are all very excited! And then we will be up to 3am every night for the next 10 days... fun, fun, fun! That's what happens when Weger's get together! Merry Christmas everyone... in advance! I love Christmas! I mailed out Christmas cards on Wednesday, so hopefully everyone will get them before Christmas!
2017 Scrap Gals Retreat Album Share
3 years ago
I got your card!! I love the picture! the boys are so cute! I hope I can get my kids' pictures taken soon
Dentist and Dr. visits are so fun. UGH!! lol I got your card! Thanks for the picture:) Very cute!
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