Friday, January 17, 2014

Snow Storm!

We got hit by the super snow storm and it was awesome! It reminded me of Idaho and Rhode Island! Jax got a week of snow days! Fun for him but sad for me cuz I could've stayed at the Parents' house a whole extra week!

The boys have never experienced this much snow and it was a little hard for Jake to handle! "His nose was froze... and his ears were froze" (101 Dalmations... maybe?)  He only lasted a few minutes. Temperatures were in the negatives.... again... feels like Rexburg.

Jax and Jake loving their tablets from Grandma and Papa Lew. rechargeable batteries are a life saver.

Check these out! I am in chocolate heaven! After Christmas clearance at the Base exchange. half pound each! Pecan clusters and peppermint patties! They are ginormous!  

Also, we had a shoe tying bootcamp and I am happy to report that Jax now knows how to tie his shoes. It's a little sloppy but I am so proud of him... and I never want to go through that again! I know I will have too... but what a headache!

1 comment:

Liz Ricker said...

These pictures make me so happy! Snow days with the kids sounds so fun!!! You guys are a hoot. Love and miss you.