Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kindergarten Graduation

Jackson had a graduation ceremony, which they called a kindergarten bridging ceremony. They were crossing the bridge into 1st grade. It was such a cute ceremony. They were supposed to dress up and it was a very serious event! Some parents even had balloons and flowers. Jax did great! Perfect behavior. They sang sweet songs and they all go to walk across the bridge when their name was called and hug their new teacher. It was so sweet! Jake was a little wiggly but we made it through. They all got to take home a balloon and they had cookies and juice after for everyone. Then we left and they took the kids to the park for a picnic. And they surprised the kids who had no pink slips this quarter with a bounce house party! Thankfully Jax was able to go! He had so much fun! I have attached pictures and video. Just a heads up. My camera sucks. :(

What an adorable baby!!!

What an adorable big boy!!!

Jackson with his wonderful teacher!


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