Let's get the update out of the way. Luis is no longer working with RMS. It's kind of a long story but the bottom line is they had to shut EVERYTHING down on Friday. They all left on good terms and Luis has an idea to get a job quick, hope it works. He is going to start looking for jobs again though. We were kind of shocked and I am a little uneasy, but Luis is handling it very well. I just miss him and wish he was here with me. I am still going to stay with Mom and Dave on Nov 1, but after that, we really don't know what our plans will be. I guess we are kind of taking it as it comes. Please keep us in your prayers.
We have had a week of sickness... Jackson came down with a stomach bug on Mon-Tues (vomiting, fever, diarrhea) then Jake got it on Tues-Wed and I got it on Wed-Thurs... fun right? Well, today is Saturday and last night Jackson woke up at midnight with a fever and complaining of a headache. By the time I realized he needed to go to the clinic they were closed. His fever hasn't been extremely high, but hasn't gone below 100 all day... even on Tylenol. I was waiting for a call from his Dr all day to get a referral so he could go to a diff clinic but the call never came. I am going to call the Dr again tomorrow and see if there is a clinic open on Sunday. I think he must have an infection of some kind since his fever is pretty constant, but I would feel weird taking him to the ER over the weekend because of a fever and headache... We'll see how he is tomorrow, either way, I don't think I will get much sleep tonight. Then finally... Jacob on Thursday-ish developed a rash on his bum that Silvia and I thought were from the stomach bug or something, nope... It got really bad so I took him to the clinic on Friday (WHy couldn't Jax have gotten sick one day early and I couldve handled 2 in 1 visit!) and he has a bacterial/fungal infection on his bum! Yikes! SO he is on antibiotics and a fungal cream. Not cool. AND, yes, there is more... today he developed blister-like bumps on his hands, feet, and mouth... the diagnosis... he has "Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease" which is a different virus all together! GIVE ME A BREAK!!! There is no treatment and the bumps aren't painful but our little family is experiencing a wide range of illnesses :) Lew said that in a week or so the bumps will go away. JOY! I sure hope Jax doesn't get it.
Ok, now for some pictures!

It's rare to see them sitting this close together!

Papa Lew, being very protective of his cheeseballs... Jake and Jackson's bday gift to him. He has good reason to be protective... the first time he opened them Jackson ran up to him and said "Grandpa, I will share with you." :)

THis is Jackson reading the catalog for the Exchange, the military store... base exchange, I don't really know what the real name for it is... he stared at that page for probably a total of 2-3 hours throughout the day... he just loved all those cars!

My first ever attempt at making charro beans! I love them and Silvia trusted me to make them, with no exact recipe, just ingredients and it turned out ok... with one problem. She forgot to tell me a major ingredient! Jalapenos! So they were spiceless charro beans! Still pretty good!

And finally, these pictures are for Luis, he has been wondering how big Cindy is. She is probably 3-4 months old now. She is huge! Still likes to nibble on my boys' legs and hands which they hate. I can't tell you how many times I hear "MOM, help!" when we are outside and Jackson is running at me full force to get away from Cindy. Can you imagine Cindy up against Molly, aubry's dog :) Just kidding Aubry!