All you wanted to know (and maybe more) about Luis, Rachelle, Jackson and Jacob.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
What is the plural word for virus???
I really don't know. :) Jackson has 2 at once. He has Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, like I said in the last post. His bumps are finally starting to blister over... which means that in the next few days they will fade away. Thank goodness... then around noon today I Jackson started scratching his legs like crazy and I looked and he had dime-sized welts all over his body! Poor thing! I showed them to Lew and he told me it is ANOTHER virus! I can't remember the name for it, but you pretty much get ring or target-like welts all over. They can itch or burn, which is the case with Jax, since he keeps scratching. He needs to be on benedryl and motrin and Silvia is going to pick up a topical cream that is supposed to dry them out quicker. Jackson just fell asleep on the couch. I am going to try really hard not to let Jacob, or anyone else in the house get this virus! I just dissinfected surfaces and doorknobs and all... please pray for us! (And everyone we share an airplane with on Tuesday :) Here are some pics of his bumps... they are a little worse than that now, but you get the idea. POBRECITO! Oh, and I couldn't resist a pic of Jake doing his cute "side look".
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