Friday, December 30, 2011

My quilting gifts

Mom has been teaching me to quilt and I decided to quilt something for all the Weger women :) We decided to do potholders. Mom helped me pick out block designs that wouldn't drive me crazy with frustration in the process. So I wanted to share them with you! I am actually very proud of them. It took a lot of work... probably about 10 hours for the 4 of them... that's lame I know... but I did everything myself and I am happy with the results... they definitely aren't perfect, but I feel very accomplished anyways!!! And I am happy to say that I actually enjoy quilting! Next project- finish Jackson's quilt!

Liz----- To match her new kitchenaid :)


Becky----- Because this fabric is just so... Becky!

And because I have to show her off... here is the link to my mom's blog where she posted all the quilts she made for her daughter's this Christmas! Get ready to be impressed :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Does your child have trouble hearing?"

This is what the childcare staff at the YMCA asked me today :) I told them no, and they said "Oh, because he wasn't listening to any of us... at all." I got a big kick out of that! No YMCA, my child is not fully or even partially deaf... he is just disobedient! Luis promised to stay in their a few minutes next time before we leave to work out. I told Jax if he doesn't listen to the "teachers" in there that he can't go to play anymore... hopefully it sets in... they have an AWESOME childcare area! Tons of fun things to do and the boys had so much fun!

Monday, December 26, 2011


We had a wonderdul Christmas!!! On Christmas Eve we did a program, as per tradition!!!We sang hymns, Matt read a Christmas book, I told the nativity story with pictures, Ethan and Luis did organ solos. It was great. We all opened 1 present and then off to bed went the kids! After the boys went to bed we watched "A Christmas Story" and drank hot chocolate. It was a great day. Santa really showed up for Ethan... and Jax and Jake. It was so fun to see the excitement, of all three of them! Christmas morning was fun. We all went downstairs at 8am and we opened presents! Mom and Dave loved the Marriott Gift Card, mom cried while reading the letter, of course. Jackson got a V-Reader and Cars 2 game to go with it. They both got 2 Living Scriptures DVDs... which is what they each opened on Christmas eve. Jake got a Fur Real puppy that barks and walks. He also got a Leap Frog scribble and write toy, but we took that back today and got something a little simpler for him to learn ABCs. Luis gave me a watch and my favorite perfume. I got Luis a red tie and matching cufflinks. Thank you to everyone who gave us gifts!!! We love them all! I can't say yet what mom and dave gave us because that would ruin it for everyone... so that will be revealed on Mom's blog later. Christmas dinner was amazing... Prime rib, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry jelly, carrots and greenbeans with mushroom soup! DELICIOUS!!! We were going to make apple crisp after, but we were all so full and tired afterwards that we held off... we will make it sometime this week. After dinner the boys watched Polar Express and Matt, Junior, Ethan, Luis and I played the category game... you know, Grandma Doty's game??? Anyway, It was fun and Luis pretty much beat us everytime! And he's not even a Doty!!! We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed being able to be home this Christmas!!!

Christmas Family Pictures

Post shave.... When Luis got here he had facial hair... he shaved before bed on Christmas Eve. Here are some pictures we took as a family after church on Christmas :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Luis buzzed his hair before he came out here, and he has the facial hair to match! (He looks goofy in that picture on purpose... he always ruins pictures!) Yesterday, Luis cut Jax and Jake's hair and it turned out really well. Jake's wasn't that drastic, just a trim around the edges because I want it to grow out and get curly again... crossing my fingers that it will! Jackson got a cute fade and he looks much older I think.

Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you all enjoy time with family. Luis made us ham and cheese pancakes this morning and we are going to do the traditional Christmas Eve program including several musical solos and the telling of the nativity story! Can't wait! Love you all!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jackson Funnies

We had playgroup at the church yesterday and before we left we wanted to go get a drink. So I walked the boys to the water fountain and Jacob got a drink. Jackson kept walking though, so I said, "Jackson, here is the water fountain." He turned around and said, "No, I go find the juice fountain!" And then he continued to look for it :) HAHA!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Daddy returns!!!

Luis is here! I can't believe he is actually here! We have been apart for 3 months, so it is just unreal! We got to spend a wonderful day and night in St Louis. We spent most of our time Christmas shopping for the boys (it was so nice to shop without kids!). We went to Toys R Us, Kohls, and Walmart and had a great lunch at the Olive Garden where we both got steak and of course I finished it off with my favorite chocolate cake ever (Triple Chocolate Strata... imagine 3 layers of chocolate cake, mousse, and ganache)!!! Since they are a little older this year... it's really the first time we are getting them fun stocking stuffers. It was a lot of fun. We went to target on our way home in the morning and found some cool stuff there also. We had our ward Christmas party last night. So a lot of people got to meet Luis and we had some really good food. We stayed up late baking sugar cookies and wrapping presents. This morning we frosted the cookies and they were so yummy! Childhood memories! Sorry I didn't take any pictures! Luis made some good contacts at church. A few people gave him business cards so hopefully something might come of that. Overall, we are just enjoying some time relaxing and being together again! Hope everyone enjoys the last week before Christmas! Have fun!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ho Ho Ho

Nothing much is going on... just working on Christmas presents and playing! Jackson has discovered Dinosaur Train and it is now his favorite show!!! He can't get enough of it!

Luis gets here in 3 days!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Shakespeare Dictionary

This is copied directly from a paper Ethan handed to me and told me to read. It was too funny not to post. This is his translation from our current language into the way Shakespeare would have said it...

I need to go to the bathroom.
'Tis time I must grant myself relief.

Why is there a guy in a gorilla suit carrying a stuffed giraffe? (Dave and Ethan actually saw some guy doing this the other day... walking down our street. Weird)
I wouldst inquire to the cause for which this man, or be him ape?, delves himself in such humility as to wander such streets as an ape, carrying a mock imitation of a creature, the likes of which mine eyes hadst never seen.

Air guitar is stupid.
O, that these fools, of infinite jest wouldst discontinue such acts of humilitation, flaunting such non-existent means of music.

Jake, you are stupid.
Companion, thou art a fool.

No, yo mama is fat.
Thou arst mistaken, for your maternal companion, ay, even you being the fruit of her womb, showest such unattractive indulgences as stuffing one's mouth with an over excess, nay, a deathly large amount of sustenance.

----Can you see why I just had to post this!?!?!?!?!?

Creepy Santa Pics

I think this is the worst Walmart Santa I have ever seen! How fake does he look!?!?!? Don't worry the pictures were free :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mom and Dave

I got this picture too late to post in the other blog entry... but it was too cute not to include!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Hot Chocolate Debate

Ethan is a hot chocolate snob... he inherited his love of Ghirardelli Double Chocolate hot chocolate from Dave. Luis and I love Land of Lakes Chocolate Supreme. So the debate was on! Ethan refused to believe anything was better than Ghirardelli! So I made mine and he made his! I think his is too bitter and he says mine is too sweet and "round". I told him that round doesn't make sense and he said "you just don't have a sophisticated enough sense of taste to describe taste like I do." Uh-huh. So, there is no winner to this debate. We agree to disagree.

By the way, Ethan walked by and told me he does not approve of the first sentence of this post... I laughed and said "I'll bet you don't!" Too bad it's true!

Christmas Decorating!

We are the winners!!! We found the best TREE ever!!! We found it among the 7-8 footers, but it is actually taller. The tree guy said it was and the farmers tag them and they just sell them however they are tagged, so we got lucky because ours really is big! It was a great find... by yours truly! It is so tall it is about an inch from the ceiling. If we get a star we are going to have to cut the top of the tree! It is so wide it takes up the entire front window. I just love it! We all decorated it together, while listening to christmas music... the boys were very helpful and have actually been OK at not touching the tree... I didn't say perfect... but ok.
Mom quilted that piece in front of the fireplace... isn't it cute.

She also quilted the tree skirt! I am totally impressed!

Mom's Makeover

Ok, I hope you guys weren't expecting anything drastic. Mom always looks good, but you know, it's fun to get done up every now and then! So, the day started with shopping. Mom was trying to decide between wearing a dress she dad, if we could find some cute boots... or to wear a skirt she had and go buy a new blouse or jacket. We went to Kohls first and found some awesome boots! We got so lucky and they were an AWESOME price. Normally $79 but they were on sale for $39 and mom had a $10 off coupon! Nice knee high boots for only $29... good deal!!! So she wanted me to straighten her hair and I convinced her to let me do her makeup! I assured her it wouldn't be drastic. I just used a tinted moisturizer and some powder, bronzer, eyeshadow and eyeliner. It was fun and I told her she should get contacts because she has really pretty eyes!!! Here are some pictures! She looked great!

Friday, December 2, 2011

I know the picture sucks, but I hope you can tell what it is... that is our neighbor's house and I didn't want to get to close to take the picture, in case they saw... you know, that might appear a little stalker-ish. That is the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story". If you haven't seen that movie... see it. It's a christmas classic!

home sweet home!