I went Black Friday Shopping for the first time ever tonight! By myself! And I loved it! I got everything I went for! Our boys love the Vreader we got them last year for Christmas, so they had them on sale at Walmart for $20. So I showed up about 45 minutes early tongiht and got my place right in front of the pallet with the vreaders. I had fun chatting with the other moms. About 5 minutes to 8 employees said go and I grabbed that vreader and slowly (but faster than some people with carts) made my way over to the jammies, where I got one pair for each of the boys. Then I saw hot wheels... not on my list but always a good idea... so I grabbed a pack of those. 9 cars for $5! Yeah. I had also wanted to get a bike for Jake's birthday in Jan but I had given up hope because the bikes were swarmed even before I got there! But I figured I would check just to be safe! I'm glad I did because I found one Jake's size! So I grabbed that! A nice man let me take his cart so I didn't have to carry all that. I made my way to check out and called Luis and asked if I got 2 hot wheels packs. I said no they can share and I checked out. But then I felt bad and asked if I could take my cart of paid for items with me to get one more pack. They said yes so I made my way through the mess of people to get one more hot wheels pack :) It was fun. So I paid for that and was out of there before 8:30! Amazing and really fun! I might have to do this again next year. Luis went over to Sports Authority to get in line. They give gift cards to the first 80 people in line, but apparently sports are bigger here than in the valley, because he has gone every year so far and never has much competition... when he got there tonight there were already more than 80 people! So he is on his way home now. Good, he needs his sleep! He has to work tomorrow! We enjoyed a nice dinner, just the four of us. I am stuffed! We didn't have turkey. We had pulled pork! Yum! But we had traditional sides! Funeral potatoes, stuffing, green beans, rolls, jello, cranberry! And I made apple crisp! I am thankful for so many things! My wonderful, hard-working husband! My beautiful and challenging children! Our health! My home and material blessings! My Savior and the gospel! Supportive and loving family! Too much to mention! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ******It's officially the Christmas season! Yeah!!! Bring on the Christmas carols!!!******
Here are a couple of random pics.

This is Jackson very excited about a $5 bill from Liz for his bday! He spent it on... drumroll.... CARS!