Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Family Pics in Charlotte

When we were in Charlotte for Christmas we took family pictures... it had been a while since we were all together. It was a fun experience but unfortunately it is hard to get all of us to be photogenic in the same shot :) There are some really cute pics though. Liz used her awesome camera and before we left she put them all on our computer. So here are some of those pics. Jacob having a breakdown... and we were just beginning!
Luis and Alan's flirty picture... one of my favorites!
Luis looks like a psycho! And Jax put his glasses like that on purpose!!!
Luis being worshipped :)


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! How nice that you were all able to visit with each other!

Josh and Steph said...

Oh my goodness! I love your family pics! The boys and you two look great! How fun to get some family pictures while you are all together! Luis's family looks like so much fun!