Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In the army now...

Today was a big day for our family. Luis was sworn in and commissioned as a reserve officer in the Army Medical Service Corp. This may seem kind of sudden to some... because we haven't been talking about it a lot. Luis has been in the application process for a while and finally got an offer last week. We made the decision to move forward this weekend and his ceremony was scheduled for today. We met at the recruiters office. We tried to explain to the boys what was happening... they thought it was pretty exciting that Daddy is going to be a soldier. His job will be healthcare administration. He will do trainings one weekend a month and a 2 week training once a year. Next summer he will have to go to officer training, which is 11 weeks long... so guess where I am going? That's right! Grandma and Grandpop better make some room! :) I am very proud of Luis for his desire to serve the country and hope I can live up to the strong military wife examples I have! Here are some pictures from the ceremony.

On a funny note... on the way home we were listening to the Christmas station and the song "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" came on. The boys thought it was hilarious. Laughing out loud funny! They were cracking me up!


M&B...Brubaker said...

Wow!! Congratulations!!! Luis will make an excellent soldier. Of course you will be an awesome army wife!!! Welcome to my club :)

Megan said...

Congrats Luis!! That's so great! Good luck with this new life journey for the both of you! :)