Wednesday, February 26, 2014


We are planning on going to Guatemala for Christmas... to spend it with Silvia's family. I don't speak Spanish very fluently but I know basics. I thought it would be nice if the kids also knew some basics... so every once in a while I practice some words and phrases with them... I'm hoping some of it will stick by December! I took a video of Jake today during our practice. Every time I asked him to say something he always made me say it first. At one point he fell off the couch and now he keeps asking me to replay the video for him and he cracks up at that part. LOL, it was kind of unexpected. And apparently I am teaching them incorrect Spanish... I guess that's what happens when a beginner tries to teach others! I was saying "me llama" when it should be "me llamo". Oh well! At least we are trying!

And then he wanted me to take silly pictures of him... so here are a couple!

1 comment:

Megan said...

He is SO stinkin' cute!! :)