Monday, March 22, 2010

Jackson speaks!

Ok... only a few words... but still exciting! His therapist told me on Thursday that Jackson had said "apple" during their session. Then this morning, before breakfast, I was waiting for Jackson to come over to me so I could get him dressed. He was just sitting there in his ball pit saying something that sounded kinda like "we". I looked at what he had in his hand and it was a flashcard of a leaf. I freaked out! I repeated "leaf" and he repeated "we". He clapped his hands for himself... which makes me believe that he was actually saying leaf and he was proud of himself. It sounded very close... just no L sound. He kept repeating it over and over again and shoving the flashcard in my face so I could see the picture. It was so cute and I am so proud of him! I am going to do flashcards with him later today and hopefully he will have more success with them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!! That's so exciting!! Flashcards are so good for little kids! My boys used to love looking at them and saying the words!! Oh, and the "L" sound comes a lot later for kids. Jonas is mastering it now, but Brynnan still can't say "l" sounds. Anything with the letter L is a W. Like Lilac=Wiwac or Laugh=Waugh! I actually find it really cute. Way to go, Jax!!:)