Sunday, May 2, 2010

Diet Results

Oh yeah... and the fruit and veggie diet was miserable! I lost 2 pounds in 4 days before I quit. I was expecting something a little more drastic... and now I have gained it back. I stopped for 2 reasons. It just wasn't enough calories and I was losing my milk supply... poor little Jacob! And Linda came to visit... I couldn't resist all the yummy food we were going to have while she was here, c'mon! Anyways, I guess it worked better for Sister Torres, but I am not interested in doing that again! I was hungry all the time, even though I was eating all the time... what a miserable way to live!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, what a miserable way to live!! I always feel hungry after eating fruit, at least so that would not be fun!!