Saturday, September 18, 2010

New York Cheesecake Success!

I had a really cute video to post but I tried posting it and realized it was 170 MB and wouldn't post! (Obviously) I didn't adjust any of the settings on the camera before I recorded and it was preset a HUGE size. So, I have fixed that, but I don't know if I will be able to resize the video I wanted to share... Maybe Luis can figure that out.

I made a cheesecake and it turned out gorgeous! I promised Dad I would put pictures on the blog, so he can be extra proud! Here is proof! Isn't it gorgeous? AND IT WAS SO DELICIOUS!

Right out of the oven

Ready to Eat!

It is such an easy recipe too! It looks hard because it has so much detail, but that's what makes it so easy! There is no room to mess up! Here is the recipe:

1 comment:

Kaylee said...

That looks amazing!! I'm definetly gonna try that recipe!! I love her blog!!