Well, I went up to bear my testimony today (we have stake conference next week). Luis wasn't at church today so I left Jake with my friend. I thought if I brought Jax up on the stand with me he would like to see everyone in the congregation and he might behave... as opposed to him crying in the pew when he saw me get up. I WAS TOTALLY WRONG! I have no idea what I was thinking!!! He was good until I went up to the pulpit. He wouldn't stay in the seat and was walking all along the front, then came to me and I tried to hold him, but he wanted down, then he started pulling at my dress... and I'm pretty sure the entire Bishopric saw up my skirt... (I'm serious about that, I couldn't look them in the eye all day!) all while trying to bear my testimony! I had very specific things I wanted to say, but none of it turned out the way I wanted because I was so distracted and embarrassed! NEVER again will Jackson join me at the pulpit!
So, here is the summary of what I wanted to say when I got up. I heard one of my favorite songs on the radio on the way to church. I listen to the Christian station now and the song is called "The Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns. There was a line in the song that really stuck out to me. It says, "Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth". I noticed it because Luis and I have really been thinking about that lately. There are so many influences in the world today and so many ways to get off the path. But, the Lord will never leave us! Straight is the path and narrow is the way, right!? The voice that we follow will be the voice that is the loudest in our lives. We want the voice of truth, the gospel, to be the loudest voice in our lives and in the lives of Jake and Jax. How do we keep it that way, by focusing on the word of God, by reading our Scriptures. EVERY DAY! I struggle with that, but in order to stay anchored in the gospel and heading in the right direction, we need that daily influence. If we have time to sit and watch TV we have time to read our scriptures... which voice is loudest in your life/home? The word of god or the TV (movies, in my case)???
Luis told me a while ago of a conversation he had with a friend. He said "if someone broke into my house and was trying to hurt my wife and my kids, I would give up my life trying to protect them... physically. Why aren't we as determined and serious about protecting those we love spiritually!?" Luis and I are really trying to be careful about what influences are coming into our home, for the kids, but also for us. We are being more strict about the movies we watch and what we listen too. I know that if we focus on Christ, we will be blessed with the things that we need. The Lord is looking out for each of us, we just have to remember that it is the Lord's timetable, not ours!
Lastly, I had a little faith booster today. I hate breaking the sabbath. I got into my car before church and the gas light was on (Luis was the last one to drive my car, thank you, hun!!!) I live 30 minutes away from church, and I decided I should probably get gas right away. But then I thought, "No, I have faith that I can make it to church. I really don't want to spend money on Sunday." I swear, the moment after I thought that, the gas light turned off... as I got closer to church, the needle actually went up, instead of closer to empty! It was crazy. So when I got out of church, I turned on the car and the gas light came on again. I thought the same thing... I should get gas now, I just used up 30 minutes worth of gas... but I again decided not to, I would only get gas if I broke down on the side of the road first :) Well, as I started driving the gaslight went off and I made it all the way home and to the street before the light came on again!!! You have to understand, I have an SUV and it usually takes at least 1/8 of a tank to get to town and back... I was so happy. I think the Lord blessed me so I wouldn't have to spend money today! That's what faith can do... (also the title of a great christian song I love by kutlass... look it up :)
2017 Scrap Gals Retreat Album Share
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