This week has been SOOOOO cold. In fact, it is supposed to snow tonight. There is a 60% chance. That will be cool! It is about 30 degrees right now and tomorrow is supposed to be 25. But by sunday we should be in the 60s. We had to pull out our pillowcase full of winter scarves and gloves before we went out this morning! I didn't have much, so I must have a lot in storage. I know for a fact that Jackson's big jacket is in storage... I didn't really expect to be living with Silvia and Lew for so long, so I packed up most of the winter clothes! We are hoping to be on our own again by April. Here are some pictures. Mom sent a gift card for jake's bday and I bought him that peek-a-boo choo choo in the pics. He LOVED it so much he was crying and begging me for it as I was opening the packaging! He couldn't wait to have it. There is a picture here as well of Jackson trying to bribe Jake into playing with the popper so he could have a turn with the choo choo... it didn't work very well :)Also, Jake loves to sit on Xela's bed... he is so cute when he kicks her off. He loves to lay on it but I didn't get a picture. he prefers the dog bed to his bed!
Oh, and Thank you Linda and Alan for the gift certificate to the nail salon! I finally used it! I got a manicure and my eyebrows waxed! It was wonderful! Thanks so much!

Wow It's colder than it is here in Reno!! It's been in the 50's and 60's here and I feel like I'm in Texas!! I love it
LOL!! This week has been in the negatives, but it's finally warming up. 16 degrees right now:) Have fun getting back to your Texas weather!!
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