I really don't have memories of what we did on Easter before I was a teenager. I remember waking up to a basket at my bedroom door... but I think I was much older then. So, last night Luis and I put together a basket for each of the boys. They had a disney storybook, fruitsnacks and eggs full of jelly beans. Well, Mom opened the door this morning and got me out of bed because she had questions about their baskets... she was wondering why the eggs were already in them... apparantly when we were growing up she hid the eggs and we all had an easter egg hunt for them on Easter morning. Do you guys remember that? Well Mom distracted the boys while I hid the eggs in obvious places... since we were already going to be late for church! The boys had fun finding them. Jackson behaved very well at church today... I think it is because I said he couldn't have his basket if he wasn't good :) We had a yummy dinner with ham, a glaze we made from scratch, fresh green beans, carrots, mashed potatoes, pineapple, and rolls. It was awesome. We had apple crisp and ice cream for dessert. Then we had a family home evening and Mom did a really nice lesson about Easter for the kids. They opened easter eggs with a note and object inside each one related to the Easter Story. Here are some pictures. Ethan loves to make Jacob do his freaky faces, so there are some pictures of that. Then after dinner, Ethan let the boys listen to Bob Marley on his headphones! Jackson was dancing! I guess he likes Reggae! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

I don't remember easter egg hunts either. I even told Derek today that we never did that when we were kids. lol. Cute pictures!!!
We had almost the exact same dinner and the same dessert!! YUM!!!
I don't remember doing that when we were kids!!! That's funny that we can't remember. I actually remember very little from when we were kids. Maybe we'll start that tradition next year:) I wish we could've been there to celebrate!! Sounds like a good day:)
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