Today Mom and I went garage-saling this morning. We brought the boys and they had a lot of fun looking at all the toys. I really wish I had a vhs player because the movies were so cheap... but I really don't want to start a vhs collection! I found a great deal on a dining room set, but I didn't have to buy it because just the other day a friend offered to give me hers! I sure hope she doesn't change her mind :) I got Jake a shirt that says "My dad is the man!" for 75 cents and they got a buzz, woody, and jessie toys. They both got a book and they also got a plane and a train. All for just a few dollars total! I love garage sales. Mom bought this little table thing. During Jacob's nap we heard the ice cream truck! Is it summer already? Jackson has never seen an ice cream truck so we rushed outside and he got to pick a popsicle... all the good stuff was really expensive... like $4! So he chose a cotton candy flavored on... yuck!
Ok, this morning during breakfast Mom and I heard Jacob saying letters... I thought it was random but then he said "P...U...F...F" He was eating cocoa puffs and was reading the box! We were so impressed! So we asked him to repeat it and he did! He got most of the letters for cocoa but was saying E for C. I just couldn't believe that he was saying the letters correctly! My smarty pants Jacob baby!
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