Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jacob Funnies

Jacob walked up to me and pointed to a large freckle I have on my arm and said "Mom, you have a big boogie!"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another traumatizing doctor visit!

Jackson was referred to a pediatric dermatologist because of the mole on his face. The doctor he saw is ranked on of the best ped derms in St Louis. I was concerned about his mole again because it really has been getting bigger in the past few months. And it has been getting this little leg off to the side that makes it kind of asymmetrical. It also had a red ring around it. It was already measuring 4mm x 5mm. Anyways, the doctor told me that she rarely recommends moles to be removed for children so young. She even tries to talk parents out of it if it's not really necessary. But she was also concerned about it and how fast it is growing. She said she wanted to remove it on the spot. I told her he has a bad history of not sitting still. She said we could be referred to a plastic surgeon who could put him to sleep for the procedure, but it would be much more expensive. So, we decided that they would see how it goes and if he got too out of hand, they said they would just call it quits. Well, it sounded like a war zone! But they didn't quit til it was removed! Poor Jackson was so scared, but I couldn't be in there with him I was getting nauseated just at the idea of it. The doctor said its better anyways if parents aren't in the room. The whole office must have heard him screaming! So, it is removed, but he was so strong they couldn't hold him still enough to give him the stitches they wanted to. So he left with no stitches, just a massive head dressing! They said sometimes it heals better without the stitches anyways! So we came home and had pizza and ice cream and he got to watch Daddy play some cars, which always makes him feel better! Now if only I can make it through changing the dressings!!! I could never be a doctor! My hands get so weak and shaky at the thought! Oh, and Jackson was so proud of the bracelet they put on his wrist! It had his name on it!!! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jackson's prayer

This is almost word for word what he said. "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for our blessings. Thank you for my cup and bowl. Thank you for the juice. And the water. And the food. Thank you for Grandma, on the fridge. (Mom's magnet is the only one left on our fridge!) And the gummy bears. Thank you for my cup with apple juice in it. And the blessings. In the name..." I think he was really thirsty. And he actually spoke loud enough to hear every word! I was trying really hard not to laugh. Too cute not to post.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Goodbye Mom

Mom and Ethan just pulled away and are on the road to Virginia. We had a quick goodbye, which is better. The boys and I were outside waving goodbye and as soon as I closed the door inside, I cried... of course. It always hits me when I am on my own. I feel lonely already. I think I am taking it extra hard because of all the stress the past few weeks and since I have gotten way too used to being with family... the past 3 years. I knew they were going to move this summer when I moved here... I was expecting it, but it is still hard. So I think today will be an emotional day for me. Thank you, Mom for giving so much support while you were here. For always watching the boys for me so that I could go to work. For teaching me to quilt!!! Althought just the thought of quilting without you makes me cry. When I get sad like this about someone leaving I am so thankful for eternal families!!! I wish we all lived together, in the same city!!! Or at least close enough to visit often, but if not now... how about eternity??? :) We are already planning a trip to VA in November, so everyone start planning now! Come see us too! I am very happy that Luis and I are on our own though, even though I'm going to miss Mom, Dave, and Ethan a lot. We are very thankful for all the support we've recieved from both our parents. It is nice to be our own family again. We have a nice little house that is just perfect for us and we are both working to support ourselves... and it feels really good. Time to get on with our lives and work hard to get where we want to be!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Are those Chicken nuggets I smell?

Funny Story. Jackson and I were watching How to Train Your Dragon today. I only saw it once a long time ago... so I was really into it. This morning we were running a bunch of errands and while I was getting an oil change we went to Burger King for nuggets and french fries. So when we got home I put Jake down for a nap and was hanging out with Jax. During the movie I kept smelling Chicken nuggets and I was a little bit baffled by that... After about 5 minutes of the smell I finally realized what was going on. Jackson was sitting right next to me burping and gurgling his burp juices in his mouth... That's what I was smelling! NASTY!!! Jax has this bad habit of making himself burp and doing the gurgling thing! I hate it and I always nag him to cut it out. I guess I was so into the movie that I didn't hear him doing it. I was officially grossed out, but I thought it was pretty funny at the same time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I had a great birthday... I know it was several weeks ago, but almost immediately after, my life got crazy and I have barely had a moment to breathe!!! So, things have calmed down a little and I can finally take a moment to post. The theme of my birthday was definitely quilting! Luis bought me my very first sewing machine ever! It's a Babylock Tempo. It was an amazing deal. We got it on Memorial Day weekend. It is in their quilting machine series so it has a lot of added features for quilting like a wider throat and certain stitches. I got several accessory feet as well, like the walking foot and the quarter inch seam guide (that's the one I'm looking forward to using the most... my quilts might actually turn out to be the size they are supposed to!) Liz took me to JoAnn's while we were in Chicago the last time and bought me a cutting mat and ruler for fabric. I got that even before getting my machine so it made me so excited!!! Silvia bought me a bunch of quilting notions that I think she will send someday ;) Mom gave me some money, part of which I used to buy the rotary cutter and some fabric. On Memorial day we went to Hancock's and bought a bunch of thread... so I have a nice little stash of that going. Mom gave me a big shelf that I will be storing my fabric in and we found a sewing desk at a garage sale. So I think I am officially ready to be a quilter! Now if only I had the time!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Chocolate Licorice and more memories

I miss Grandma so much already. I was walking through Walmart the day after she died and I saw chocolate licorice up by the register. I bought it and sat in the car with the boys eating it and I just cried. I remember how much I loved it as a kid and Grandma ALWAYS bought it for me. Even as an adult she would have it waiting if I visited... I didn't like it very much as an adult, but I never could bring myself to tell her that because it was just such a tradition. The night we heard the news, Luis and I stayed up talking about funny memories of Grandma.... how she would yell things out that were completely unrelated to the conversation because she couldn't hear! I remember when we were growing up and we would get growing pains or something, Grandma would always rub our legs or our arms. That is such a sweet memory. I remember always having family prayer in Grandma and Grandpa's room, all kneeling at their bed. Oh, one of my earliest memories of Grandma... I m ust have been very young but I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa after a visit. THe rest of the kids went home with mom and dad to Sacramento... but I got to stay behind. One morning I woke up and was all alone... I kept walking around trying to find Grandma but I couldn't. I was so scared and I just sat down and cried. Finally grandma walked in with grocery bags... she had gone to the store and thought I would sleep until she got back. Looking back I laugh because that event was so classicly Grandma!!! I remember doing puzzles. I loved doing puzzles with her. And her ribs!!! OMG I love her ribs and homemade barbeque sauce! I wanted to take all of Grandma's recipes a few years and type them up, but she didn't want to part with them... some of them are hand-written by her mother. I know all of us would love her recipes... maybe now I can do that. I am happy to know of the Plan of Salvation. I have always believed it and found comfort in it... but it really hits home now. I know that we will be with Grandma again someday and that she is going to do a great work on the other side of the veil. How wonderful that she can be with her family gone before... how awesome for her! I will never forget how much she loved and was so concerned for all of her family members. She is a cherished part of all our lives!!! I love you Grandma!!!