Jackson was referred to a pediatric dermatologist because of the mole on his face. The doctor he saw is ranked on of the best ped derms in St Louis. I was concerned about his mole again because it really has been getting bigger in the past few months. And it has been getting this little leg off to the side that makes it kind of asymmetrical. It also had a red ring around it. It was already measuring 4mm x 5mm. Anyways, the doctor told me that she rarely recommends moles to be removed for children so young. She even tries to talk parents out of it if it's not really necessary. But she was also concerned about it and how fast it is growing. She said she wanted to remove it on the spot. I told her he has a bad history of not sitting still. She said we could be referred to a plastic surgeon who could put him to sleep for the procedure, but it would be much more expensive. So, we decided that they would see how it goes and if he got too out of hand, they said they would just call it quits. Well, it sounded like a war zone! But they didn't quit til it was removed! Poor Jackson was so scared, but I couldn't be in there with him I was getting nauseated just at the idea of it. The doctor said its better anyways if parents aren't in the room. The whole office must have heard him screaming! So, it is removed, but he was so strong they couldn't hold him still enough to give him the stitches they wanted to. So he left with no stitches, just a massive head dressing! They said sometimes it heals better without the stitches anyways! So we came home and had pizza and ice cream and he got to watch Daddy play some cars, which always makes him feel better! Now if only I can make it through changing the dressings!!! I could never be a doctor! My hands get so weak and shaky at the thought! Oh, and Jackson was so proud of the bracelet they put on his wrist! It had his name on it!!! :)

1 comment:
UGH!! I don't envy you or him! I wouldn't have been able to stay in the room either. My boys would've freaked out too! Good luck changing the dressing! I hope it heals well!
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