At Mom's request I will post again so you don't have to look at our nasty old faces :)
A few funny things that my children have been up to lately... Jackson is very expressive. He adds "so very" to everything. I don't know where he learned that, but he tells me, "Mom, I'm so very hungry" or "so very tired". It is pretty funny coming from a 4 year old.
Jacob is not having the best potty training experience. The first day he did great! no accidents except right before bed because I forgot he was still in underwear! Next day was equally as awesome. Then, he wet every new pair of undies I put him in. When I put him on the potty he refused to do anything. UGH!!! Then he messed in his underwear during Jackson's soccer practice, so that was fun. Next day, same deal, refusing to use the potty! So today I really talked up the candy reward and he has used the potty but still had accidents but just minor ones. It's frustrating because I thought it was going to be a piece of cake based on the first day. NOPE! But there's no turning back now! I refuse! I will just have to be ready to do a lot more laundry!
Jackson did much better at soccer practice this week. I still had to reign him in a little, but not nearly as much as last week. He got a male assistant coach and I think that threw him off a little. He was a little rough with the boys, a litle more stern. Jackson ended up sticking with his coach Jessica, who he really likes. He was very affectionate during practice and was trying to hug everyone. Some of the boys on the team were not into that, but the girls were! Future player??? :)

Grandma Weger bought the boys a bunch of new ties. Jacob loves this blue one. Now, I know he has major high waters. Silvia bought him new church pants, thank goodness!
This picture and the one below were taken by Jackson! He is becoming a little photographer! He loves playing with the camera... which doesn't happen very often!
Spongebob beanie! Also from Grandma Weger!
Jacob, my salad lover. He didn't even wait for me to put some on a plate... he just dug right in to the bowl!
Finally, Luis is riding in BikeMS tomorrow! He has officially raised $1000! If you would like to donate, go to! He is going to try to do the 75 mile ride! It is supposed to be great weather, in the 60s! Perfect for a ride. He has to leave really early because the ride starts in Columbia, MO at 7:30am!!! We are going to bed very early tonight! Say a prayer that all will go well and he will be safe!