Wednesday, September 26, 2012


So remember how I said my house looks like a girls camp cabin? Well now it really does! We jinally have a neighbor, after 4 months without one... and our new neighbor has an ugly red trailer parked in their driveway... and I think it's permanent. :) So now it really looks like we are camping! A few new developments. My children are all the sudden scared of the dark! They never have been before, but they don't dare walk into a room without the light, or even into a hallway without the light. They even run to me and hold my hand when it's dark. Don't know what caused this, I guess it's natural. It's kind of funny though because Jackson will have go to the bathroom and will hold it to the very LAST minute because he is afraid to go in! I have to turn on the light for them now!

1 comment:

Kaylee said...

It took me like 5 minutes to realize why this post was called chickens. Jesse is the same way with the bathroom sometimes.