This was an eventful weekend... not because we did anything really cool... but because Jackson was sick. First off, Matt came to visit on Saturday night and stayed with us til Sunday night. It was fun to have him around. We watched "Pitch Perfect". He got to see some old friends from the Singles Ward. I am glad he will be here for the summer. He already has 2 sales this week. I am proud of him. I know he is going to do great! I made a few Mommy mistakes on Saturday. We decided to go pick up Matt in St Louis. Then in the morning Jax threw up and had a fever. I left to do my visiting teaching and when I came back it was time to go. Jax had just fell asleep on the couch so I figured he would just sleep in the car. Mommy mistake #1! I should have stayed home with him and let Luis and Jake go get Matt... Jax did not sleep. Right as we were getting to Matt's apartment, He threw up in the car! Mommy mistake #2- I brought a bowl and plastic bag with us in case he had to throw up... I had it in the front seat next to my feet... what was I thinking? A lot of good it did me there! When Luis (who was driving) saw him throw up I rushed to give him the bowl... but that's after he had already spewed all over the blankets he was holding and the back of my seat. Yummy. Poor kid. We had to make a few stops and finally got home. Jax didn't eat anything from Saturday Morning until Monday. Just fluids. And he seemed fine. Didn't throw up since Saturday. Well, he threw up again on Monday night! I guess he just couldn't handle food yet. So he missed his swimming lesson on Tuesday morning, but Jake went. They learned how to float on their back. I will bring my camera next week. Jax is fine now... and amazingly none of us have any symptoms! Usually if one gets sick at least 3 of us get sick! Oh, and the 2 times Jax threw up at home it was right onto our cheap carpet! Poor Luis had to clean it up. Not fun! But he was such a good sport about it.

Poor sick kid. Fell asleep on the couch while Jake was talking to him... it was pretty funny. I had to keep reminding Jake that Jax fell asleep because he just kept talking to him.
Jake was so good while Jax was sick. He just played all by himself. He got very good at whispering.
Spending some quiet time together.
Grandma Weger sent a package! New shoes and a shirt and fun candy fans!!! They will come in very handy this summer! Thanks!!! And Mom sent Melanie's wedding quilt for me to quilt on the longarm. It is so pretty. I can't wait to quilt it! That will probably happen next week. For now I am kinda being a homebody... except for the Y of course... That happens when Luis is gone. He will be back from DC on Saturday... our 7th anniversary!!! Can't believe it's been 7 years!