Saturday, June 29, 2013

Let the search begin!

I think most of the family knows by now... I'm pregnant! Yay! #3 on the way! Ok, now the hard part starts... the hunt for a VBAC friendly OB. I'm with a great OBGYN right now who has the best bedside manor of any doctor I have EVER seen... EVER!  I have lots of friends who recommended him. And he seems to be very open to whatever Mom wants throughout pregnancy and delivery. During my first appt with him last year, I mentioned I would be wanting a second VBAC if I got pregnant again. He was totally fine with that but we didn't get into any details. I did have one friend though, that is not a fan of him. I recently talked to someone from the local ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) who gave me more info on my OB and his VBAC policy... which isn't encouraging. She said his policy is to induce all VBACs so that everyone is on staff and ready just in case. That seems reasonable up front... you know, you want to be prepared... except for the fact that I don't want to be induced... especially as a VBAC!!! So, I have my first prenatal visit with him in a couple weeks and I am going to have to get some straight answers from him. Talking with doctors is so intimidating for me though! I hate it- really! I don't want them to think that I feel like I know more than them, but I hate it when doctors don't follow the recommendations of their own governing body and use scare tactics and such. I had to fight a little to get a VBAC with Jake and I honestly feel lucky that it even happened! I am just really hoping that this time around it's not a fight... because that is incredibly stressful. So now, I haven't even talked with the doctor yet to find out from him what his policies are and I am already stressed! Not cool. Not to mention if Luis gets another job soon our insurance will change anyways! So it might not even matter. Too bad that doesn't make me stop stressing! Does anyone know if I have my first prenatal appt with one doc, then change insurance and have to change docs... does the new doc have to do all the first prenatal visit tests over again... or will he be satisfied with the files from the previous doc. I'd hate to have to pay twice for the same tests!!! Anyway... get ready for 7.5 more months of pregnancy posts :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rachelle Funny

I am a sleeper.  A really good sleeper. I can fall asleep about 20 seconds after my head hits the pillow! Sometimes it's all I can do to stay awake and talk with Luis... although those are usually the best talks we have. Well the other day I was on my way to dreamland... and Luis said "I love you"... I responded with "Your welcome". We got a big kick out of that once he pointed out to me what I said. :)

Bowling with Grandma Gibson

We went on base with Grandma and went bowling. The boys have really been wanting to do that. It was so fun. Jax and Jake had the bumpers... Mom and I should have had bumpers too but we didn't! We are really bad at bowling! Jackson rocks! He didn't use the ramp and still did a great job! Jake loved the ramp!


Daddy time

The boys picked out a Father's day card for Luis that said a Dad is a kid who never grew up... or something like that. This video is a perfect example of that. Daddy is a horsie!

Jacob's Shiny new tooth

Poor Jacob had to have a crown put on a tooth yesterday. Mom stayed home with Jackson and I took Jake. He is an excellent patient. They always tell me he's such an angel. Not scared at all. We opted for the laughing gas though... just so he wouldn't develop a fear of shots... I had to leave the room for the procedure because the gas is not good for women in my "condition" :)
His fat, swollen lip. He chewed it pretty good when he was numb.
There's a peek of his shiny silver tooth. I am actually really disappointed that he needed this done. And I feel like a loser mom who can't keep her kids teeth clean. But at least I caught this before it got worse. Jax and Jake both have dentist appts next month as well. I was concerned that his lip might be infected but I sent pictures to his dentist and he said it's normal... so now if he would just stop sucking his thumb it might be less irritated.

Friday, June 21, 2013

"Your Trust in God must be powerful and enduring"

Luis and I have had a lot of mixed emotions lately... just a lot of life choices in our path. Sometimes it's hard to know what to do or what path to follow. I was reading the Ensign today and read this quote by Richard G. Scott- so true.

"This life is an experience in profound trust—trust in Jesus Christ, trust in His teachings, trust in our capacity as led by the Holy Spirit to obey those teachings for happiness now and for a purposeful, supremely happy eternal existence. To trust means to obey willingly without knowing the end from the beginning (see Proverbs 3:5–7). To produce fruit, your trust in the Lord must be more powerful and enduring than your confidence in your own personal feelings and experience. . .
"As you trust Him, exercise faith in Him, He will help you."


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Funny kids

My boys were both sick for 2 days each this week. Jackson would say things like "Mom, a movie will calm my fever down." Or "A popsicle will calm my head down". It was very convincing :)

Jacob wanted me to get a specific bowl from the cupboard. That's what I was reaching for but I guess Jake didn't see it and he started freaking out, all mad because he wanted HIS bowl! It was a pretty big blowup. So when I pulled the bowl out and he realized it was the right one... he got this blank expression on his face and said "I wasn't talking to you"!!! HAHAHAHA... right... that fit was directed at someone else. IT totally reminded me of one time in Rhode Island when Mom was nagging me (sorry to use that word mom...) about something and I was really annoyed. Meg was also talking to me at the same time and eventually I was so frustrated with Mom that I just yelled "Just shut up!" Then I froze... uh oh. Did I really just say that to my MOM! Oh my gosh! I had childhood memories flash before my eyes of claw-like nails digging into my arm and dragging me down the hall! So Mom, rightfully shocked, said "What did you say to me!?" And I said... "Huh? I was talking to Megan!" Guess Jake got it from me!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jackson's haircut

Cutting Kaylee's kids' hair inspired me to attempt Jacksons. Usually I just buzz it or let Luis do a fade. This time I tried a fade. It worked pretty well. A few rough spots, but overall pretty good!

For Melanie's wedding Mom made a quilt. She asked me to quilt it on the longarm... here is the finished product! It's a beautiful quilt.

My sister Megan posted a bunch of wedding pictures with more to come... if you want to see them you can go to her blog at Ok, that's it for now. Short post but I will try to post more later!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ahh, how sweet!

The other day at dinner I was telling Luis how cute Jacob and Eliza , a girl from church, were together at playgroup. I said "They are good friends" And Jackson said "Grandma Gibson is my friend!" It was so cute!

Jacob funny

I heard Jacob singing to himself... "Old McDonald had a cow and Bingo was his name-o. B-i-n-g-o!"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Potty breakthrough!

I have been really struggling with Jacob lately... he has been potty trained during the day for over a year and potty trained at night since we got back from our Christmas vacation. He has just always done great with this. Lately he has been having 2 sometimes 3 accidents a day!!! It is very frustrating... all those stinky clothes piling up! It's not like he's regressing... it's just that he has gotten lazy and doesn't want to stop what he's doing to go potty! I see him start "dancing" and I remind him that he should go potty. He doesn't want to... I am really uncomfortable with the idea of forcing him to go potty, I really think he needs to make it his choice. But I also don't like getting my carpet peed on. I also don't like the idea of an avoidable accident going "unpunished"... so I have been telling him to sit on his bed after an accident because I don't know if he is going to pee on my floor or not. Then today... it clicked! The same situation came up. He was dancing and I suggested he go potty. He said no he doesn't want to go. And I reminded him that if he has an accident he has to sit on his bed.... then I realized that him sitting on the bed AFTER the fact has no impact on him! So using the love and logic techniques I have learned I gave him a better choice! I said "Jake, I can see that you need to go potty... I really don't want you to have an accident on my floor, so would you like to go potty now or would you like to sit on your bed to play so that you don't pee on my floor." He chose to go potty! I was thrilled! It worked! He was so proud of himself and came out and told Jackson "I did it!!!" It was way cute and I felt victorious! I let him choose and got the outcome I wanted! No more accidents!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mel's Wedding

Mel and Jared's wedding was so much fun. I flew in on Thursday night and went straight to Dad's house. I met Steve for the first time. He's a nice guy. We found out that Grandpa Paulos wasn't doing well and Dad flew out to Albuquerque early Friday morning. But it was fun while he was there. It felt so good to have all 5 Paulos kids together again! It has been a long time since we have all been together... I think we realized it had been about 12 years or so. Sad, huh? I wish my kids were there. All the cousins were having so much fun! I'm sad that Dad wasn't there for the wedding, but it was really good for him to be with Grandpa before he died. Grandpa Doty walked Mel down the aisle instead. Jared's dad was ordained so that he could perform the wedding ceremony. He did a beautiful job. Their vows were so sweet... I cried! It was fun being a bridesmaid. I didn't get any pictures from the actual reception or ceremony. I trust Meg handled that... she said she got about 2000 pictures! Can't wait to see them. The morning of the wedding we all went to get hair and makeup done. It was fun to all be together, getting beautified :) I just got makeup because my hair is so short. Everyone looked great! I ended up swimming with the kids one of the days... I was the only adult with a suit and there were 5 kids in the water! I've never been so nervous! 2 of them were good swimmers... But I did my fair share of pulling kids out of the water! It was fun though. It was so much fun spending time with everyone that I haven't seen in way too long! We missed those of you who couldn't make it! It would have been even more fun if you were there! I will make sure to share pictures once we get them from Meg. Until then... here are a few I have from before/after the wedding. Sorry this post is all over the place! Oh, side note... after seeing all the pics I'm in, I am even more determined to get Lasik... that darn glare on my glasses just ruins pictures!