I think most of the family knows by now... I'm pregnant! Yay! #3 on the way! Ok, now the hard part starts... the hunt for a VBAC friendly OB. I'm with a great OBGYN right now who has the best bedside manor of any doctor I have EVER seen... EVER! I have lots of friends who recommended him. And he seems to be very open to whatever Mom wants throughout pregnancy and delivery. During my first appt with him last year, I mentioned I would be wanting a second VBAC if I got pregnant again. He was totally fine with that but we didn't get into any details. I did have one friend though, that is not a fan of him. I recently talked to someone from the local ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) who gave me more info on my OB and his VBAC policy... which isn't encouraging. She said his policy is to induce all VBACs so that everyone is on staff and ready just in case. That seems reasonable up front... you know, you want to be prepared... except for the fact that I don't
want to be induced...
especially as a VBAC!!! So, I have my first prenatal visit with him in a couple weeks and I am going to have to get some straight answers from him. Talking with doctors is so intimidating for me though! I hate it- really! I don't want them to think that I feel like I know more than them, but I hate it when doctors don't follow the recommendations of their own governing body and use scare tactics and such. I had to fight a little to get a VBAC with Jake and I honestly feel lucky that it even happened! I am just really hoping that this time around it's not a fight... because that is incredibly stressful. So now, I haven't even talked with the doctor yet to find out from him what his policies are and I am already stressed! Not cool. Not to mention if Luis gets another job soon our insurance will change anyways! So it might not even matter. Too bad that doesn't make me stop stressing! Does anyone know if I have my first prenatal appt with one doc, then change insurance and have to change docs... does the new doc have to do all the first prenatal visit tests over again... or will he be satisfied with the files from the previous doc. I'd hate to have to pay twice for the same tests!!! Anyway... get ready for 7.5 more months of pregnancy posts :)
Good luck! That would be stressful to worry about. I hope it all works out for you!
Congrats on number 3 again! The thing that helped me the most in making these choices for my VBAC was to pray about EVERYTHING! WE even went to the temple in regards to choosing our care provider (OB vs Midwife) and then again specifically to pray about the Midwife we were feeling good about (and that we ultimately chose). NOONE knows more then YOU do about YOUR body/ baby/ pregnancy- care providers should guide but not be making the choices;) And follow/ listen to those little tidbit feelings because they really DO matter. If you aren't comfortable in the place and with the people around you while you give birth, it will be ALL uphill. Learned this the hard way and later gained testimony of it's importance. Best wishes to you! I'm so excited for you;)
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