I really wish that Luis could have been there, but I got the start time mixed up and by the time I realized we were already late (and live 30 minutes from Church)... he wasn't ready. (I wanted him to be a construction guy... easy for him... and wear his hard hat and tool belt.) He had been working outside all day and still wasn't done. He wasn't going to go all sweaty and nasty so he stayed and worked some more. Becky passed out candy with her friends at my car and I went around with Jackson and Jacob (in the stroller). It was so cute hearing Jax say "trick or treat"... usually it was only the treat part that made it out of his mouth, smart kid :) It was so funny because a couple of the cars had scary music and one even had a huge blow up black cat tent thing. Jackson ran away and wouldn't go near these cars. I had to calm him down after each one. Scardy cat! He got plenty of candy. I didn't dress Jacob up. I was going to borrow a superman costume from my friend, but I just never got around to picking it up from her... so he was the lamest baby there! Oh well, he was content to eat is crackers in the stroller while we had fun. He even got his first taste of hot dog! He's too young, I know... but I forgot a bottle and he was hungry, so I shared mine. He LOVED it, of course! When we came home, we shared some candy and Jax watched Bonanza with Papa Lew while we made pizza. After Jax went to bed we all watched Tales from the Crypt! Lame, but still disturbing at some parts! Overall, it was a fun Halloween(eve).

1 comment:
Cute costumes! Tinian didn't like his costume so he stayed home with Mark. Glad you had fun!
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