Luis finally called! He talked to the office manager that he has a pretty good relationship with and she said that they haven't heard any updates on the status of his application... she said "no news is good news"... she said that the office will be notified before Luis is if he is rejected, so at least we know he's not rejected yet! She had sent an email to DC last week when Luis emailed her... and no word yet, so she will try again. At least we know that there is still a chance!
The bad news- I got a ticket. The good news- I deserved 2 and the cop only gave me 1 :) I got pulled over for speeding and I was at a stop light by the time I noticed the flashing lights, so I really had no idea how fast I was going. Turns out I was going 30 mph over... The limit was 45 and I was clocked at 72. Now, the cop lectured me enough... and I don't speed like that on purpose. I was honestly just totally distracted... and here's why. I know it sounds stupid... Lately I have been listening to the Christian radio station and I absolutely love it. So, one of my favorite songs was playing and I was getting really into it and singing really loud and loving it... not at all noticing that in my excitement over praising Jesus... my foot was pretty heavy on the pedal! Anyways... everything went downhill from there. I had left my wallet at home so I had no driver's license on me. Thankfully I had the proof of insurance in the car. Then the cop noticed that my inspection sticker was expired. This is how the conversation went.
Cop: "Do you know your sticker is expired?"
Me: "Yes, the border patrol just pointed it out to me"
Cop: "wait, why did border patrol point it out, did they pull you over"
Me (thinking, oh crap, now I need to prove I am not illegal): "They noticed it at the checkpoint on the way to San Antonio... as they let me through"
Cop: "It expired in February! What month is it now?"
Me: "October"
Cop: "THAT'S 8 MONTHS!!!"
Totally embarrassing. Anyway, he started asking me about my license plate (my plates read "CASH-4-U" (for the business, ya know) and eventually he said, "Well, I won't write you up for the speeding because that is going to kill you with insurance... but I will give you a ticket for the expired inspection." !!!!! I was so surprised... that would have been a $300 speeding ticket plus the increase in insurance cost! I was so thankful because when he was back by my license plate filling out the info, before he said he'd let me off the hook, I was praying "Heavenly Father, please let this cop have mercy on me and my broke bank account!" I think my prayer was answered because although I broke the law, I did it while singing praises to the Lord :)
The inspection guy told me that tickets for expired stickers usually are around $200 but that the judge will waive it with an inspection receipt. That's what the cop told me too... so hopefully the fact that it is SOOOO expired won't count against me. Not sure I feel too confident in getting off the hook with this one. I learned my lesson though :)
Jacob's first shoes... which are still a little too big and fell off several times.
These are the scripture bags the kids made at the primary activity. HOW CUTE ARE THOSE??? They loved it.
Luis got me this necklace as a surprise! They are genuine emeralds, not lab created and they are gorgeous! The necklace is so heavy. He didn't even know it was my birth stone. I'm a lucky girl!
1 comment:
Good luck with the judge!!! I hope he waives the ticket for you!
Are those the shoes I sent you for Jacob? They're so cute!! They never fit Jesse, his feet were always too fat!
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