Friday, October 22, 2010

Sorry I haven't written much lately... there really isn't anything going on. I've started planning Christmas at Mom and Dave's! We hope to be able to stay a week (no dates yet) and during that time we want to go to Nauvoo. It is 4 hours from where they live, so it will be a fun overnight trip I think. Anyone want to join us??? PLEASE! It would be fun to have a lot of us there, like we did 2 years ago in CA! Well, I'll blog more when something happens in our lives!


Izzy and MJ said...

We might come up. Depends on ticket prices.

Kaylee said...

I'll go if you pay!!! :) That would be soooo much fun.

Derek and I have been talking about going to all the chucrh history places too! It would be perfect to go before the parents move!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to go, but we're saving up for our family vacation for next year. We want to go down to southern CA since we didn't get to this year.