Before I get into Jackson's bad week, I want to make a correction. Silvia read my blog and felt that I misrepresented her in one case... In the entry titled "In times of trouble" I said that Silvia was yelling at Jax... well, she corrected me, and I agree, that she was scolding, not yelling. Ok, fixed.

This is a picture of the thorn that Luis dug out of Jackson's big toe after much DRAMA! It all started the other night when Jackson ran to the other side of the yard where the chickens are and took off his shoes (or they fell off... we really don't know) Either way, that's bad because there is all sorts of junk over there, mesquite thorns, nails, sharp rocks, etc... Well, he must have stepped on a thorn and it broke off in his toe because the next morning he was screaming when he tried to get out of bed. I looked at his toe and there was definitely something in there but it was weird because it looked like the skin had already closed around it. I don't know why he wasn't in pain the night before. So, we asked Lew to get it out. Luis was gone at this point so Silvia and I held Jackson down while Lew attempted to get the thorn out... Well, Jackson was NOT having it! Danny eventually came in to try to hold him down too and he was still managing to move. It was horrible and he was screaming like we were trying to kill him! So, after a while, what seemed like a long while, we gave up. Jackson was covered in sweat and his eyes were bloodshot and he had little blood blister things on his face from straining so hard! He kept saying, "No, it's all better, all better" Lew said the thorn should work it's way out of the body eventually. Well, Jax was miserable for about for the entire next day and was limping and walking with his big toe off the ground. So last night while he slept Luis and I tried to get the thorn out. Luis was so patient. He slowly cut away at the skin around the thorn and eventually got it out. The whole process took about an hour, with not trying to wake him up. No wonder it hurt him, it was infected, there was pus inside and the thorn was huge! Well, as he was pulling the thorn out, Jax woke up in a big way! He started kicking and screaming and the whole deal... papa lew style! Luis thought the thorn got shoved back in, but he did get it out thankfully! So, we calmed Jax down and put on some medicine and a bandaid, sang a song, daddy held him for a while, and he went back to bed! It was crazy but I am very happy it's all over with. We joked that we would have to take him to the hospital to get his toe amputated or have them remove the thorn under general anesthesia!
Then, among other injuries this week, Jackson felt the need to reach up under the lamp shade and touch the lightbulb of the lamp in the church foyer... What was he thinking??? I don't know but I sure hope it was a learning experience. I think the whole church heard him screaming! So, he burned his finger and I'm glad we were on our way out and not on our way in!
Poor little guy has been getting hurt a lot lately! He needs to take some time off from that!