Check it out at http://www.beachbody.com/product/p90x.do?tnt=P90X_RT_B2
Luis tried it last year and got through several weeks of it, with noticable differnces, but when Jake was born, it got lost among the many other things going on. I've been dying to do it because I have 10 pounds of baby weight. Now, don't go getting all judgemental and telling me I shouldn't be worried about my body and I am still skinny and all that and I shouldn't be working out so hard. I have heard that so much in the past and it is really discouraging. I get that. I feel very fortunate to have a healthy body, but I also realize that I could be in better shape. I don't compare myself with any other person, just my old self! I have been running on the treadmill off and on, but nothing consistent enough to make a difference in my appearance. So, here are my goals... I currently weight 137 and my goal weight is 125, my pre-pregnancy (Jake) weight. If I can get to 120 that would be awesome but with building the muscle I don't know if I can hit that. In other words, I just want to weigh less than Danny, my brother in law, who is a whopping 130 pounds at 23 years old :P
Like I said, we started today and I love it! I will hate it tomorrow, but I love it today! We are doing the "Lean" version, which is different than the regular version... it is said to be just as difficult, just with different goals. The regular version focuses more on building muscle and bulking while the lean version focuses on maximum weight loss. There is also a "doubles" version for crazy people who want to do the routine 2x per day! About halfway through the routine this morning I was thinking "I thought this was supposed to be extreme, this isn't that bad!" Well, by the time the workout was over, I thought I was going to throw up. Really... I didn't do very much of the stretching because there was no way I was going to bend over and put my head to my knees, I'd have puked for sure! I did some alternative stretches that I hope compensate so I am not extra sore. It was pretty intense, but manageable. Now, I'm sure the trick is doing this every day with the soreness of the previous days! It is a 6-day a week program and each workout is about an hour with a few exceptions and the routine changes every day. It is so awesome! Everyone should try it at least once in their lives! You don't have to keep their pace, just do what you can... that's the key! Anyways, we need to make sure and get to bed ontime because Luis and I are waking up at 6am to do this, before the kids get up. My body is very tired but I feel really good. Can't wait for tomorrow. We took "before" pictures and they are very motivating! Can't wait for some killer "after" pictures! I'll keep you updated on our progress.
We should see who loses the most weight first!! I weigh 138 and I want to get to 125 or lower. Tryikng to beat you will give me an incentive to kill my body. LOL I hope you keep enjoying the new workout program!! Good luck!
While I was reading this I was wondering when on earth you have time to do an hour work out...waking up before the kids is a good idea, but I don't think I would ever choose working out over sleep.
You're on Meg!!! What program are you doing? Zumba?
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