Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Funny Story

I know you all are waiting for details on the big news, but I had to post this story!

I heard that Jake was awake after his nap yesterday and when I went to get him... this is what I found. :)

He had taken of his diaper... and it doesn't end there. He was pointing over the side of the crib to where his diaper was... but the diaper wasn't alone... it was right next to a puddle of pee. Haha, his sheets were completely dry... he must have aimed perfectly well to pee through the bars of his crib and not get his sheets. I was cracking up and I just had to share!


Kaylee said...

This story made me laugh out loud!! Maybe he's ready to be potty trained!

Lynne said...

My question is was the diaper dry too? Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Haha!! That's hilarious!:)Maybe he's ready for potty training!