Jackson made it exactly one week of having glasses... and now they are broken. I can't believe it. (Actually I can!) I was very frustrated and a little speechless at first... the yelling came later. Silvia helped me fix them using black electrical tape... but the damage is done. They are irreparable. So Jackson will be walking around for the next 3.75 months until insurance will replace them. I definitely saw this coming, didn't I! The tape held them together fine, until he started pulling his glasses over and under his eyes, just playing... so I had to rework the tape and although they are crooked they will have to do!

Jackson is actually letting Jake sit this close to him. It's a rare sight to see... he usually keeps his distance.

These are the things Kaylee sent me from Forks! I just got them in the mail and I love them. I can't wait til I have a fridge I can put that magnet on :)
haha I can't believe they're broken already!! Poor kid! You should go to Eyemasters next time. They always have buy one get one free sales so that's where I got my glasses. I had to pay out of pocket but then my insurance reimbursed me.
And I'm glad you like your Twilight stuff! I just got your package today too! thanks!
1 week... I am super impressed. That is untrue to Weger fashion. I love the pics! I'll post some soon. I am leaving now for my 3rd 12 hr shift before I get a whole weekend off! yaya! Love you guys.
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