Sunday, May 13, 2012


Happy Mother's Day everyone. I wanted to get pictures today. I feel like I have very few pictures of me and my family... because I am always the one taking pictures! So today I wanted to be in some! After tons of tries these are the best ones. I hate trying to get my kids to look good in pictures. It's very frustrating! Luis and Ethan made French toast for us for breakfast and Luis got me some Caramel candy. YUM! He is currently putting BOTH boys down for a nap so I can have some quiet time and quilt! Awesome present! (Oh, while I was in Chicago Liz gave me a bunch of her clothes... including a cute red peacoat! This green shirt is one of hers! I love it!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. I love that shirt too!:) I wish we could've been there to celebrate too!