I have been asked by several people to see our house... I don't know why... it's ugly, and especially ugly when Mom and Liz and Kaylee are posting pics of their beautiful new houses! In fact, it kind of reminds me of some cabins we stayed in at girls camp... ugh! We are renting a duplex, which is nice because it is cheap enough that we can affort to rent an office as well for the business. Megan requested even to see our furniture!
This is where we wished we lived...
Ok, don't be too disappointed...
This is where we actually live :) Girls camp cabin, no??? And yes, that is a giant weed in the front bushes... kinda like the one growing up through your porch mom! I sprayed it with weed killer and it did nothing! It's a mutant weed and I'm not strong enough to pull it! Whatever will I do... Probably just keep cutting off the top :)
Our lovely living room furniture. Oh and the curtains are my favorite part!!! They were on clearance for $9 at JCP! I get happy everytime I look at them! They are so pretty! I know it's hard to see them in the pic.
Jackson's bed, which Grandma and Grandpa Gibson gave him... recognize it guys?
Jacobs toddler bed that we got at a garage sale for $20. It is an extra long bed from Ikea. And the boys dresser we got from a garage sale for $10!

Kitchen... I know it's cluttered... if anyone talks to Silvia soon tell her not to read this post ;) I thought there was a lot of shelf space when I first moved in... but now I just never have enough room, probably cuz we shop at Sams... a lot of food gets stored in our laundry room, next to the fridge. That side table isn't there anymore... we still don't know where to put it though, we don't have enough space! You already saw the piano and our table... we have a nice bedroom set, but our bed isn't made, so I won't run and take a pic! The dining room is very big whigh is awesome because it counts as our office and sewing room as well! We have a nice little back yard for the boys to play in, when it's not 100 degrees outside. And all those trees behind the house give us great shade, our backyward is pretty much a forest, with no houses behind us! Anyways, now you have seen our humble home. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can upgrade!