Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mommy funny!

I can't remember if I mentioned how Jacob is terrified of cats. Well, he is. Our neighbors cat was in our yard and he freaked out the other day. I wasn't there with him, so it was worse. Well yesterday we have to walk to the backyard and he is freaking out thinking a cat is going to come out somewhere. I was trying to calm him down and stop his crying... THEN... so close to my feet I almost stepped on it was a SNAKE! I screamed and started jumping around and it scurried off but poor Jake was terrified!!! He didn't see the snake and I'm sure he thought there was a cat. Not a good thing to freak out while trying to calm a toddled! But funny!


Lynne said...

I am laughing uncontrollably. I can picture it.

Kaylee said...

lol poor kid!! That is really funny!!