I love the first day of school... for everyone else. We went to Sams this morning and the place was EMPTY! It was wonderful! After I work out at the Y in the morning I let the boys play on the playgroud for a while. Today it was just us, and it was so fun! I had been annoyed that Jackson wouldn't be able to start school this year. He is so smart and I know he'd do well, but now I am glad he will be home with me. I am happy to have one more year with him... even though they drive me crazy sometimes, I think it is going to be really hard to let him go!
Ok, time to vote. On Saturday I am getting my hair done again. I hate the fact that highlights require constant maintenance. I got these highlights early in the summer, so it's time to do it again. I feel like I want more blonde... or maybe auburn... help! Please tell me what you think. I love the cut I have now but I hate that it is on my neck so much, so I think I am going to go for more of a Victoria Beckham cut!

I like her light brown highlights... so this is the haircut but also the first choice for highlights.
Choice 2- love that you can see the dark below the blonde
Choice 3
Choice 4
What do you think??? What would you do???
I don't like the two tone look. If you get highlights it needs to look really natural. I don't like to be negative, but I don't like the shorter in back and longer in front cut. Your cut last time was really nice. only my opinion.
I would say 1 or 2 for the color. And that cut is very drastic but you could probably pull it off. I have a friend that just did that cut and is already growing her hair back out because she said you have to style it everyday and you cant put it in a pony tail.
#1 if anything. Not a fan of the two tone either. Try to keep it well blended and go for a cut that will make you feel Hot! You look great no matter what,good luck! I am going to chop my hair after graduation, I think. I'll keep you posted. See you soon!
I like #2. I think #1 is too long in the front and too short in the back. Maybe it would look better if it wasn't that short in the back? I like the two tone look though. I think you could pull it off better than I could:) I can't wait to see what you choose!
I like #1 and I like her highlights too
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