My Jacob baby is 3!!! Time flies! We had cupcakes the night before we left Mom and Dave's. They got him some toy animals and new shoes for his bday and sent me home with his very own quiet book for him to open! He also got a bike for his bday! We didn't have time to set it up so Jake got to "help" daddy put it together! I showed Jake the pictures on the back of the cake box and asked him to choose cupcakes, a regular cake, or a bundt cake. He thought bundt was a really funny word and chose a bundt cake. We called it a wheel cake. Oh, and he got leftover Christmas wrapping paper, poor kid :)
Awesome bike!! He looks so big! I like that you called the bundt cake a wheel cake. I might steal that!
How fun! That's great you got him a bike! A wheel cake! How cool! that is a good idea! You should've put black food coloring in the frosting:)
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