I love holidays, and I love birthdays. Jackson's birthday is November and Jacob's is January. So both of them are coming up pretty quick. I asked Jackson last night what he wanted for his birthday dinner and he said quesadillas! OK! Then I asked him if he wanted cake or cupcakes. He wants cupcakes. So Jacob wanted to talk about his birthday of course, and told me that he wants a birthday cake and cupcakes for dinner! :) Wise guy! Would it be weird to get Jackson a bike for his birthday... in a cold Illinois winter? He is going to want to ride it all the time but it will be so cold! I really want him to have a bike but don't want to just randomly get him one next summer, it feels like it should be a present! Once it gets really cold playgroup moves to the church cultural hall... the kids bring their bikes and I think Jax really wants one. He did last year. But it is only once a week. What do you think? Then I could get Jake a little bike too for his birthday.
Another thing... it was cute. We have been reading scriptures with the boys everynight using these books. They have the stories and tons of pictures.

Well, we were reading about Lehi's son, Jacob, and my Jacob was so excited to hear his name! Everytime we read the name Jacob he would smile so big and giggle at the sound of his own name in the scriptures! I liked that because this is the Jacob that inspired me to choose Jacob as his name!
I think it would be fine to give Jax a bike for his birthday! Especially if he's been wanting one!! And maybe he can drive it around in the garage for a little while each day during the winter? :) I want to get one for Brynnan for Christmas because he's outgrowing his, but it will most definitely be REALLY hard for him to use it at Christmas time!! That is so cute about Jacob being excited about his name in the scriptures!!
Umm... No bike. Give him an airplane ride to see me instead! Yes? :) hehe. He would love a bike, i bet!
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